By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Thursday, former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R) from Pennsylvania addressed a crowded rally of Republican officeholders, candidates, and grassroots activists working on growing the Republican Party in Northwest Alabama. The Alabama Republican released a written statement following the Thursday event.
Senator Santorum said, “I’m here tonight because I believe the heart of America is right. You don’t have the big money, but what you need and what you have to have is the passion…Changing here sends a message that we are willing to fight, get involved and change your communities…I’m here tonight because I know your values and I understand them. I know what you care about. Now you have to get that fire, that passion.”
The Tuscumbia rally was organized by the Alabama Republican Party and local Republican Parties from Colbert, Franklin, Lauderdale and Lawrence counties. More than three hundreds attended the Republican Party event at the Tuscumbia Roadhouse.
Alabama Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead said, “Since becoming Chairman of ALGOP, one of my goals has been to spread Republicanism far and wide in our state with a focus on breaking the stranglehold Democrats have had in certain areas. It is exciting to see enthusiastic local Republican leadership step up to move the Party forward in creative ways like what we have seen here tonight.”
Colbert County Republican Party Chairman said, “Three years ago there was not a single Republican office holder in the four counties. Today, there are twenty. I was told two years ago that a Republican could never win in Colbert County. Those days are over. In fact, I now think you have to be a Republican to win in northwest Alabama.”
Senator Rick Santorum won the Iowa Caucus and several Republican Presidential Primaries in 2012 including Alabama before succumbing to eventual Republican Presidential nominee, Governor Mitt Romney from Massachusetts. Santorum is a likely 2016 Republican Presidential candidate.
The Alabama Republican Party expects to host more national Republicans like Santorum, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker who spoke at the ALGOP Summer Dinner, and Republican campaign strategist Carl Rove who will be speaking in Tuscaloosa on Monday, October due to the legislature’s moving the Republican Primary up earlier in the process during Presidential election years.
Proceeds from the Rove attending Lincoln-Reagan dinner will benefit the Republican Party of Tuscaloosa and Republican Candidates who win the primary in June of 2014. The dinner will honor Congressmen Robert Aderholt (R) from Haleyville and Jo Bonner (R) from Mobile who recently retired.