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Rainy Day Patriots to Host Thomas Beach

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

The Rainy Day Patriots are holding their September meeting on Thursday in the Homewood Library at 6:30 pm. This month’s guest speaker is Thomas Beach, with Black Sheep Strategies.

Black Sheep Strategies is a conservative organization that works for conservative candidates who are seeking public office. On their website they explain: “While we are qualified to be general consultants we are campaign specialists because we handle the nuts& bolts of a campaign or the day to day operational aspect if you will. That means serving in the trenches with you – letting you focus on your candidacy while we handle duties and responsibilities of insuring your campaign is operating smoothly.”

Beach is a former U.S. Army Ranger who became very active in the Tea Party movement before founding Black Sheep Strategies.

The Rainy Day Patriots are one of the 50++ tea party groups that are still active in Alabama. They operate in many counties in the state, but are most active in the Jefferson and Shelby County area.

The Rainy Day Patriots wrote recently,

“We need you, for ACTION, the State needs you and the Country. The Country is in dire straits and many citizens are just not up to the task of keeping our Republic, so it falls on your shoulders. Our Freedoms need constant vigilance, because those on the left WILL NEVER GIVE UP. If you are a Religious person, you never give up on your beliefs. Liberalism is a religion. The Left will never give up on imposing their “for your own good” intentions (meddling) on YOU and YOURS. Its a matter of faith! Ideology trumps any Religion that they profess to belong. YOU must secure our Republic and our Sovereign State to continue practicing your personal, individual, God given Freedoms. We are the People that will decide if our Country remains a Constitutional Republic. Like it or not, YOU are now responsible. YOU BEING IDLE …….is no longer an option.”

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Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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