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Hillyer Announces Campaign Leadership Team

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Monday, the Quin Hillyer for Congress campaign released a listing of its internal campaign leadership team.

Quin Hillyer said in a written statement, “I am honored to have earned the trust and support of these leaders of our community. I have relied on their help and support in this campaign and will rely on their advice and insight as our next Congressman.”

The Alabama Steering Committee is co-chaired by Mobile City Councilwoman Bess Rich and Barrett McCall, the president of Larson & McGowin, Inc. Former Mobile County School Board Member Bill Meredith and former Prichard Mayor Ron Davis are serving as co-captains along with Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Madonia.

The Quin Hillyer for Congress Steering and Finance Committees includes: Bill Atkeison, Howard and Dorsey Bronson, Coleman Bryars, Roe Burton, Dr. Charles and Elizabeth Collins, Frank Courtney, Dan Cummings, Mark and Lynn Davidson, The Hon. Ron Davis, Michael Druhan, Jack Green, Matt Green, Greg Harvell, Nancy Hawkins, Elsie Holmes, James Lee, Amy Lamb, Crosby Latham, Dr. Phillip & Deborah Madonia, Michael and Melody Mastro, Mac McInnis, Barrett McCall, Earl McMurphy, the Hon. Bill Meredith, Bo Megginson, Jim Mitchell, Rhodes Prince, Paul Rasp, the Hon. Bess Rich, James Robertson, E. Luckett Robinson, II, Murray Robinson, Medford Roe, Janet Taverna, Mark Weeks, Aaron White, Tom Walsh, and Dr. Rob Wood.

The Co-Chair of the Quin Hillyer campaign’s Alabama Steering Committee, Barrett McCall noted that it was an easy decision to join the campaign. “Spend 30 seconds with Quin and you know you have met a man of principle; spend 30 minutes with Quin and it will restore your hope that we can fix out government,” McCall said. “Quin and I have been friends since childhood and I can attest that he has been tirelessly fighting for conservative values his whole life.”

Former Prichard Mayor Ron Davis said, “Quin is the best person for Congress because he would represent the values of all South Alabama and all of America. He will represent all of us, regardless of our background or where we come from.”

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The Quin Hillyer for Congress campaign also released a list of National Steering Committee members, financial contributors and supporters. The list includes current or former elected officials: George Allen, Kenneth Blackwell, Joseph Cao, Christopher Cox, Artur Davis, Tim Griffin, Robert Livingston, Sen. Rick Santorum, and Steve Scalise and conservative journalists: Fred Barnes, Erick Erickson, William Kristol, Rich Lowry, Deroy Murdock, and R. Emmett Tyrrell. Hillyer’s supporters includes conservative lawyers: J. Christian Adams, Viet Dinh, Miguel Estrada, and Hans von Spakovsky as well as “conservative movement leaders:” Diana Banister, Morton Blackwell, David Bossie, Marjorie Dannensfelser, Mark Fitzgibbons, Colin Hanna, David Keene, Jim Martin, Mary Matalin, Greg Mueller, Alfred Regnery, Craig Shirley, and Richard Viguerie.

Listed supporters include: Paul Cambon, Richard Cellini, Mark Corallo, Dr. Robert T. Jones IV, John Lott Jr., I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Allen Martin, and Dennis Stephens.

Hillyer has been endorsed by the American Conservative Union, Citizens United, Gun Owners of America and the National Right to Work Committee.

Hillyer said, “I am honored to have the support of so many of our community and our country’s leading, trusted conservatives. These individuals and organizations have supported this campaign because they know me and my public record of principled, conservative public policy for the past 30 years. The last 8 days will be a sprint to the finish and with the help of these fine men and women, we will finish strong.”

Quin Hillyer is a conservative columnist and a former top Congressional staffer.
Hillyer is part of a long list of candidates for Alabama’s First Congressional District. The other candidates include:

Bradley Byrne a former Chancellor of the Alabama Department of Post secondary Education, Alabama State Senator, member of the state school board, and candidate for Governor.
Daniel Dyas a general contractor and small business owner.

Chad Fincher an Alabama State Representative and the sponsor of the Alabama Accountability Act.

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Wells Griffith an attorney and the Deputy Chief-of-Staff of the Republican National Committee.
Jessica James a realtor and grant writer for Bishop State Community College. James is also a former candidate for the Alabama State Board of Education.

Sharon Powe an entrepreneur and legal assistant for the US Small Business Administration and government affairs for the Mobile (Prichard municipality).

David “Thunder” Thornton a retired Shell Production Specialist and a retail employee.
Dean Young a realtor, the owner of four small businesses, and a longtime Roy Moore aide. Young unsuccessfully challenged former Congressman Bonner in the 2012 Republican primary.

Congressman Bonner resigned on August 2nd, after serving more than ten years in Congress.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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