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College Republican Federation of Alabama Holding Convention At Auburn on Saturday

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

The College Republican Federation of Alabama (CRFA) will be holding their annual convention Saturday, September 21 at Auburn.

In a written statement the CRFA wrote, “Come join like-minded individuals from around the state to celebrate our federation and trumpet the ideals and values of the Republican Party. “

Check-in for the event will be from 9:30-10 am. The general business session will follow and then the group will have lunch. That will be followed by guest speakers and forums. The assembly will break for dinner at 4:00 pm and then come back for a closing reception from 6-8 with live entertainment.

The CFRA continued, “We hope that these speakers will be able to give you a new argument against liberals and will also introduce us all to ways of thinking that we might have overlooked. The Auburn College Republicans are excited to welcome you all to our campus and encourage you to bring as many people as possible from your home club!”

The current Chairwoman of the CFRA is Stephanie Petelos. Chairwoman Petelos said on the website, “Our goal is to elect Republicans throughout the state and nation, and to educate, train, and inspire current College Republicans, potential College Republicans, and young voters to stand up and fight for the future of our country.”

There will a prepaid $5 charge to participate which will help pay for the lunch. The CRFA will accept registrations on the day of the event, but the fee on Saturday will be $10.

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The event will be held in Langdon Hall which is near Toomer’s Corner and adjacent to historic Sanford Hall.

Anywhere in downtown Auburn is free parking on the weekend and also almost all zones can be parked in during weekends. The Auburn University College Republicans are the host chapter for the event and Danielle Wall is the contact person for this event:

Chairwoman Petelos continued, “The uncertainties for our generation, are endless, our America is at a crucial cross roads. We work to ensure that our country is lead down the best path by helping elect strong Republican candidates, and training the future leaders of the Grand Ole’ Party and our nation.”

The CRFA is the Alabama affiliate of the College Republican National Committee (CRNC). The CRFA works with local campus chapters to help them provide their student body a fun, politically oriented organization and serves as the first point of contact for college students hoping to work for political campaigns.

The CRFA currently has active chapters at Auburn University, Auburn University – Montgomery, Birmingham Southern College, Huntingdon College, Samford University, Judson College, Troy University, the University of Alabama, and the University of Alabama – Birmingham, the University of Alabama – Huntsville, the University of West Alabama, and the University of South Alabama.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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