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Anti-Abortion Forces Hold the First National Day of Remembrance in Montgomery on Saturday

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Alabama anti-abortion activists are participating in the National Day of Remembrance for the 55 million dead Americans killed by abortion since the controversial medical procedure was legalized with a remembrance service on Saturday in Montgomery.

A Solemn prayer vigil will be held at noon and will be led by Father Mitch Pacwa of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) at Greenwood Serenity Gardens located at 909 Lincoln Road in Montgomery.

The site is where 18 aborted babies were properly buried by Alabama Citizens for Life Montgomery Chapter in 1987 after being found in a shopping center dumpster.

Saturday’s event is being organized by Silent No More and Alabama Citizens for Life Sponsors and is being coordinated nationally with Priests for Life and the Pro-Life Action League. In their written statement organizers said that they, “Are calling on pro-life Americans to participate in a National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children to honor the grave sites of our unborn brothers and sisters.”

‘The Alabama Political Reporter’ talked with Jacquie Stalnaker who is the Coordinator for this Alabama State Event Honoring the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Babies.

Stalnaker said that 55 million children have been killed in abortions since the controversial 1972 Roe Versus Wade Supreme Court decision overturning state laws prohibiting the procedure and none of those children received proper burials. Even the 45 corpses in the recent Dr. Kermit Gossnell murder trial are being held as state’s evidence and can’t be buried.

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Stalnaker said that the remembrance ceremony is being held at Greenwood Serenity Gardens because 18 Alabama children are buried there after they were found aborted in a dumpster behind a Montgomery abortion provider in 1987. Terry Foot, an eye witness will recount the events of the finding of their bodies and internment. Local anti-abortion groups have been hoding a memorial service there for the last 26 years.

This is part of a national event. A week ago 39 cities were participating; but now that number has risen as 98 cities have registered to participate.

According to the release, the concept behind the visit the grave sites of the aborted unborn in Montgomery is that when people become aware of the reality of abortion in a funeral for the unborn then it is no longer an abstraction to them. Tens of thousands of these children have been retrieved and buried at grave sites across the country.

Stalnaker said that she herself underwent an abortion at gunpoint and has experienced the sense of loss and regret that many women experience following an abortion. Stalnaker said that many women suffer post abortive trauma. They may become very promiscuous, use more alcohol or drugs, become depressed, or go to the other extreme and begin to use abortion as a birth control method. Stalnaker has met women who have had as many as 12 abortions and now regret the decision. Stalnaker’s child’s name is in the memorial for the aborted unborn children in Chattanooga.

Stalnaker says that her group tries to bring awareness without being gruesome. Stalnaker said that many people have been turned off by the Pro-Life Movement because of their use of horrific pictures and imagery.

‘The Alabama Political Reporter’ asked Stalnaker if there is much that the Alabama state legislature can do to fight abortion since to this point it is being protected by the U.S. Supreme Court and that seems unlikely to change any time soon. Stalnaker said that the legislature can make a difference. They have already passed three laws that have made it harder for abortion clinics to operate in Alabama. Stalnaker said that they have successfully shut down 73 abortion clinics in recent years including one in Alabama and including the largest Planned Parenthood abortion mill in the country. Stalnaker refers to abortion clinics as “killing centers.”

Stalnaker said that she has dedicated her life to lobbying against abortion, going to schools to lecture against abortion and to change minds on this issue one heart one mind at a time.

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Ms. Stalnaker said that the abortion clinic in Huntsville is one of the worst. It is performing abortions five days a week every week in Huntsville.

The Pro-Life groups said in the release that: “Showing up in Montgomery, our State Capital sends a clear message to our State Legislature that we respect the lives of the unborn and expect them to pass legislation that will outlaw legalized abortion in Alabama.”

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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