By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Representative Martha Roby (R) from Montgomery issued a written statement regarding the situation in Syria and the President’s request for an authorization of military force.
Congresswoman Roby said, “I’m carefully weighing the decision before Congress on Syria. I want to see all the relevant information from our military and intelligence sources, and also listen to the views and concerns of those I represent here in Alabama. A vote to authorize the use of military force is a solemn duty, and one I take very seriously. Right now it looks like a vote will take place next week after I will have returned to Washington and been able to take part in more detailed classified briefings. I think that will allow me to make the most informed decision possible.”
On Saturday, U.S. Senator. Jeff Sessions(R) from Alabama issued the following statement: “I look forward to the initiation of a very serious—and overdue—discussion in Congress about Syria and our broader strategy in the chaotic Middle East. It is critical that the Administration articulate a clear national policy as we contemplate further involvement in this dangerous and complex region. Certainly the American people are correct to be concerned about our position in the Middle East, particularly our seeming lack of any clear strategy or purpose.”
Rep. Roby said, “Though it does not appear necessary at the moment, I’m prepared to cut our district town hall visits short and reconvene in Washington for classified meetings if that’s what we need to do. This is a serious decision that will likely have implications far beyond Syria. No one is even talking about the fact that September 11th is right around the corner. Remember that it was just a year ago that we were caught unprepared in a terrorist attack in this very dangerous part of the world.”
The Alabama Congresswoman said, “Over the last six months, the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations has been focused on getting to the bottom of the military’s preparedness leading up to the Benghazi attack, and asking what changes have been made to ensure such an attack will never happen again. Now, here we are a week away from 9-11 and the stakes couldn’t be much higher for our next move in the Middle East.” “Before the United States gets involved militarily in this situation, I want to hear a clear plan from our Commander-In-Chief for what happens next. What’s the end game, and how will our military involvement help get us there?”
Rep. Roby is currently scheduled to hold the “Martha Listens” Town Hall events in Elmore County on Wednesday, September 4, and in Enterprise on Thursday, September 5. Those events will go forward unless unfolding world events require that Roby return to Washington.
The United States appears to be on the verge of attacking Syria in response to evidence that the Hassad regime has used chemical weapons on rebel targets killing many including civilians. The United States is still engaged in a 12 year war in Afghanistan and last year was heavily involved in a war in Libya.
Sen. Jeff Sessions is a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Rep. Roby serves on the House Armed Forces Committee.