By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Congresswoman Martha Roby (R) from Montgomery emailed constituents with what she believes will be the goals for the U.S. House of Representatives in July.
Representative Roby wrote,
“From our continued investigation of the IRS scandal to pushing for an overhaul of our nation’s education system, the month of July will be an important time in Washington. The House will work diligently to stop an over-intrusive government from standing in the way of job creation.”
Rep. Roby said that specifically, during the month of July the House will consider a number of bills, including: the Student Success Act (H.R. 5), the Kids First Research Act (H.R. 2019), the Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act of 2013 (H.R. 2218), and the Energy Consumers Relief Act (H.R. 1582).
The conservative Alabama Congresswoman continued,
“As always, the House will continue to provide responsible oversight of the Executive Branch and look to reduce wasteful spending. As your Representative in Congress, I will continue to remind the federal government that it works for the people and not the other way around.”
The House has a Republican majority and typically passes conservative legislation that the Democratic controlled Senate does not act on. Likewise the House has not been eager to take up liberal Senate passed legislation, including comprehensive immigration reform, the farm bill, and even the budget. The last Congress passed less legislation than any Congress in decades and this session has passed legislation at an even slower pace. The two Houses could not even agree on a bipartisan approach to prevent the doubling of student loan rates.
Congresswoman Martha Roby represents Alabama’s Second Congressional District. This is her second term in the House.