By Beth Clayton
Alabama Political Reporter
MONTGOMERY–The 2013 National Convention of the Young Republican National Federation will convene in Mobile this weekend at the Renaissance Mobile Riverview Plaza Hotel.
Event guests include several notable Alabama Republicans, including Congresswoman Martha Roby, Senator Jeff Sessions and Governor Robert Bentley, and Kansas Congressman Kevin Yoder.
According to the convention website, the weekend will include at least 12 break-out sessions on various political topics, many of which will be hosted by well-known organizations, such as the Leadership Institute, FreedomWorks and the Heritage Foundation.
The Campaign Finance session will be lead by Shaun McCutcheon, who is the “chairman of Conservative Action Fund, a Super PAC that promotes conservative Republicans’ time-proven messages and effective solutions,” according to the Alabama GOP website. McCutcheon also brought a case before the US District Court in Washington, D.C. in September, 2012, challenging the Federal Election Commission’s biennial limit on individual campaign contributions.
The Voter Targeting session will be lead by Mark Montini, the founder of and a leading GOP consultant and strategist.
Other sessions include “The 2nd Amendment” by Greg Hopkins, “How to Build Your Young Republicans Club” by Daniel Stover, “Growing Minorities in our Party,” and “25 Steps Every Smart Candidate Should Take Before Running for Office” by Chris Brown.
Stover is the Vice Chairman of the Young Republican Federation of Alabama, and Chris Brown is the immediate past president of YRFA.
The Young Democrats of America will meet for their biennial National Convention in San Antonio, Texas, August 8-11. The program has not been released, however Julian Castro, Mayor of San Antonio, has announced that he will give the keynote address on August 10.