Staff Report
MONTGOMERY – Governor Robert Bentley on Friday tasked Neal Morrison, Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Senior Services, with developing a plan to help all citizens have access to a photo ID that will comply with the state’s photo voter ID law.
“The right to vote is fundamental to democracy,” Governor Bentley said. “I want to remove any obstacle that could keep any eligible voter from exercising their constitutional right to vote.”
The plan to be developed by Commissioner Morrison will compliment a photo voter ID plan outlined by Secretary of State Beth Chapman. Under the proposed regulations announced by Secretary of State Chapman, citizens without acceptable forms of photo voter ID can receive a free ID by visiting Department of Public Safety offices, Board of Registrars offices or the Secretary of State’s office.
Governor Bentley is tasking Commissioner Morrison to develop this additional plan to specifically help the disabled, the homebound and others who may not have access to those offices so they can receive this free service as well. The plan will be designed to provide assistance to citizens of any voting age who are in need of this service.
“The Alabama Department of Senior Services works with more than a dozen regional councils throughout the state to provide various services for the elderly and the disabled,” Commissioner Morrison said. “We also work with hundreds of community groups, senior centers, churches and other organizations that serve people in communities across the state. We’ll work to identify those who need help gaining access to a proper ID, and we’ll outline a plan to help ensure they get what they need.”
Commissioner Morrison added that he looks forward to working with the Secretary of State’s Office on accomplishing this goal. Commissioner Morrison is expected to present a detailed plan to Governor Bentley within 120 days.
“A photo ID benefits people in many different ways, such as protecting voters from the possibility of someone else casting a ballot in their name,” Governor Bentley added. “I want all Alabamians to be able to exercise their right to vote. My efforts are designed to help ensure that nothing stands in the way of that right.”