By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
WASHINGTON,DC—U.S Sen. Jeff Sessions (R) from Alabama issued a written statement after receiving a letter from the Black American Leadership Alliance which was sent to members of Congress detailing the Immigration Reform proposal’s claimed negative impacts on African-American workers.
Sen. Sessions said in a written statement, “I greatly appreciate receiving this letter and I share the concerns it outlines. The Senate immigration bill will be bad for African-American workers, and all American workers. This bill serves the special interests at the expense of poor and middle class Americans—both immigrant and native-born. Reform must be guided by the moral obligation we owe to our own constituents; this bill fails that crucial test. In this time of low wages and high unemployment there is no justification for such large increases in the supply of foreign labor.”
Sen. Sessions continued, “All lawmakers should carefully consider the academic evidence presented in this letter. The Black American Leadership Alliance is correct to cite these studies. I know of no serious study that finds otherwise.”
The Black American Leadership Alliance (BALA) wrote a letter to Congress contending that giving a path to citizenship to 11 million illegal aliens and opening the floodgates to vastly increased numbers of legal immigrants in the current immigration reform bill before Congress would adversely economically impact millions of Black American citizens.
BALA wrote, “If passed, the proposed immigration bill will be costly for all Americans, but will harm American workers more than any other group.” “If Congress fails to stop this irresponsible legislation, the United States will continue to see more and more blacks out of jobs and unable to support their families.”
The group is planning to hold a rally on June 15 on Capitol Hill to urge lawmakers to “Say ‘No’ to Amnesty.”
BALA continued, “We implore each Member [of Congress] to fulfill his or her duty to the millions of Americans struggling to find work by opposing amnesty and supporting policies to reduce overall levels of legal and illegal immigration.”
Senator Sessions has been a vocal opponent of the immigration plan which is currently moving through the U.S. Senate.