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Scott Walker to Be Keynote Speaker at ALGOP Summer Meeting

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

The Wisconsin Governor will speak at the Alabama Republican Party’s Summer meeting in August. Gov. Scott Walker will be the special guest speaker at ALGOP’s Summer Dinner on August 23rd in Montgomery’s Renaissance Hotel.

Scott Walker was elected to be Governor of Wisconsin in 2010, defeating Tom Barrett (D) 52% to 46%. The first term Republican Governor guided legislation through the WI state legislature which cut taxes for businesses, cut state spending, limited collected bargaining for state employees, and made state employees contribute more toward their retirements and healthcare benefits. The Governor also rejected millions in federal dollars for a controversial high speed rail project. State employees’ unions went berserk and began collecting signatures to recall the governor, They collected over a million signatures to force a recall election of the Republican Governor. Democrats again ran liberal Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and the people of Wisconsin reelected Walker by a larger margin in 2012.

Only three American Governors have ever faced recall elections and Walker is the only one to have won the recall vote.

Wisconsin is the home of National Republican Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and 2012 Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Congressman Paul Ryan. Despite the growing Republican strength in the historically liberal northern state, President Barack H. Obama still carried Wisconsin in 2012.

Gov. Scott Walker is staunchly Pro-life, is Pro-traditional marriage, supports photo-id requirements for voting privileges, and has joined Alabama Governor Robert Bentley in refusing to implement the unpopular Obamacare healthcare exchanges.

Members of the Alabama Republican Party Capitol Club can purchase two tickets at half price. The 2013 ALGOP Summer dinner is at the Montgomery Renaissance Hotel on August 23 and will be at 7:00 pm. A reception will be held at 6:00 pm.

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To purchase tickets call the Alabama Republican Party Headquarters at 205-212-5900.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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