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Armistead Finishes Radiation Treatments

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Popular Alabama Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead announced on Wednesday that he has finished the 28th out of of 28 radiation treatments for treatment of prostate cancer.

Chairman Armistead said on Facebook, “TWENTY-EIGHT OUT OF TWENTY-EIGHT!!! All done!! Feeling great. My sweet wife, Emily, didn’t give me a trophy but she did take me out to a nice dinner at Seasons 52 to celebrate the end of these treatments. I thank God for answering the prayers that many of you said on my behalf. The Doctors and staff are amazed that I did not have ANY noticeable side effects. That shows what prayer will do.”

Chairman Armistead said, “I’ll go back in 3 months to see if it worked as well as it appears it has. Thanks to all of my many friends who saw me through this episode. Praise the Lord for all that He has done!”

Chairman Armistead announced that he was undergoing treatments at UAB’s Kirklin Clinic on Facebook on May 11. Chairman Armistead said then, “I want to thank those of you who have contacted me about my health and wanted everyone to know that God has blessed me beyond all that I deserve. I have now completed 20 out of 28 radiation treatments for my prostate cancer and am doing just great. The side effects have been minimal and my energy has been as good as ever. Still putting in 12+ hours each day. My oncologist tells me that they are precisely zeroing in on the tumor and expect a complete recovery. I have not missed one day of work as Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party and am out of the office less than an hour each day for the treatment. Thanks to all for your prayers. God listens and answers. Praise His Name!”

Prostate cancer forms in tissues of the prostate (a gland in the male reproductive system found below the bladder and in front of the rectum). Prostate cancer usually occurs in older men. It is estimated that there will be 238,590 new cases of prostate cancer in the United States this year. It is estimated that 29,720 will die from prostate cancer in 2013.

In February Chairman Bill Armistead successfully fought off a challenge for his position by former Shelby County Republican Party Chairman Matt Fridy backed by former ALGOP Chairman and current Speaker of the Alabama House Mike Hubbard and Governor Robert Bentley.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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