By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Monday is the last day of the Alabama 2013 Legislative Session and Alabama’s Republican Leadership is very positive about the results of this session.
Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard (R) from Auburn said on Facebook, “While President Obama and liberal Democrats continue to expand the size and reach of federal government, in Alabama we have dared to defend your rights. This session we’ve defended Alabamians right to life, protected the 2nd amendment, taken on education reform, and continued to focus on job creation – just to name a a few. I’m proud of House Republicans’ hard work for the people of Alabama.”
The Alabama House Republican Caucus wrote on Facebook, “As House Republicans prepare for the last day of session, Governor Bentley has already declared this as the best legislative session ever. Between passing bills to strengthen the 2nd Amendment, protect life, reduce red tape, and pay back the Alabama Trust Fund (just for starters), we couldn’t agree more.”
Alabama Senate Del Marsh (R) from Anniston told ‘The Anniston Star’s Courtney Davis, “In my opinion this has been the most successful session of the quadrennium because a lot of the things we talked about the first year, the efficiencies, the streamlining of the agencies, all thats taken place this year. So it took us two years, literally, to get in position to pass this legislation to get it through the studies.”
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R) told in Gulf Shores, “”This has been, overall, the best legislative session I believe this state has ever had.” “I truly do believe that.” “We have overhauled Medicaid, which had been unheard of, the way that happened. We got the (Gulf State Park bill) passed dealing with the state lodge that six governors have not been able to do.” “I mean, there are just so many good things that we have accomplished this year.”
Alabama Senator Tom Whatley (R) from Lee County said in a written statement, “Over the past two and half years we have created over 2,000 new jobs in East Alabama with hundreds of millions in economic infrastructure investments and the workforce and technology developed here in our community. While the media focuses on, and I am proud of, the additional funding for our K-12 schools, the commitment to Pre K Program, providing teachers with liability insurance, adding post secondary representatives to the Teachers Retirement Board, and providing a 2% pay raise for teachers.”
Alabama state Representative Mac McCutcheon (R) from Capshaw said on Facebook Sunday, “The last day of the leg. session, 5/20/13, is looking like a full day with many issues. I have been working in Montgomery this week preparing for the last day. The Senate will address a backlog of local bills and State wide House Bills. To add to the mix there will be Executive Amendments to the Flex/Accountability Bill coming to both houses. The House will be addressing priority Senate Bills, gun bill and Resolutions to include a Common Core Resolution. Should be an exciting close to a productive session.”