By Beth Clayton
Alabama Political Reporter
MONTGOMERY—On May 9, Senate Republicans introduced a bill to modify the Alabama Accountability Act. The AAA would provide tax credits to families who wanted to take their children out of schools defined as “failing” and put them into other public or private schools. The proposed modifications would, among other things, allow schools to choose whether or not to accept a potential transfer.
After the bill was called, Senator Del Marsh (R-Anniston) explained what the changes included, but the rules committee clotured before Senator Vivian Figures (D-Mobile) or other legislators were able to debate or propose amendments.
Note that Lt. Governor Ivey fails to recognize Sen Figures even though she addressed the Chair before Sen. Marsh.
This has been a reoccurring complaint made by the democrats.
However, the GOP supermajority has continued to adhere to the rules of the Senate in these matters.