By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Congresswoman Martha Roby (R) from Montgomery has just returned from a four day Congressional Delegation (CODEL) trip to Afghanistan focused on the current status of Afghan women. Rep. Roby also met with U.S. service men and women. This was Congresswoman Roby’s third trip to Afghanistan.
Rep. Roby said, “We are committed to supporting the gains made by Afghan women across this country. We are deeply interested in their success and appreciated the opportunity to hear from them directly about their hopes and concerns for the future.”
Representative Roby is currently flying back to Washington, D.C. from Southwest Asia where she was part of a bi-partisan delegation of female Congress Members, “To observe U.S. military operations and evaluate the current status of Afghan women.” over Mother’s Day weekend.
Rep. Roby is the Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. Chairman Roby recently convened a hearing on the future safety of Afghan women after the U.S. drawdowns our military presence in Afghanistan.
Rep. Roby said that Afghan women have made great strides. They now hold political office, serve in the Afghan military, and lead local businesses. Rep. Roby said however many challenges still remain.
Rep. Roby said, “I believe the treatment of Afghan women is an important bellwether as to whether we are winning the war in Afghanistan.”
Rep. Roby also met with members of the Montgomery-based 908th Airlift Wing, which is currently deployed in the theater of operations. U.S. Troops have been fighting Al Qaeda and their Taliban allies in Afghanistan since 2001.
Congresswoman Martha Roby represents Alabama’s Second Congressional District. She is currently in her second term in the United States Congress.