By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Monday, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R) signed HB57 today, also known as the “Women’s Health and Safety Act.” The bill will require that the state’s few remaining abortion clinics bring their facilities up to hospital code. The facilities must employ doctors with local hospital admitting privileges and anyone under the age of 16 who is receiving an abortion to must provide the name and age of the father to the clinic.
Governor Robert Bentley said, “As a physician, and as a governor, I am proud to sign this legislation. This bill provides appropriate standards of care. It has been endorsed by pro-life groups across Alabama. This is a key piece of legislation in the House Republican Agenda, and I am honored to stand with legislative leaders and sign this bill.”
Alabama Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead said, “Our Republican leaders in Montgomery have put the safety of women and unborn children as their top priority. If a woman chooses to have an abortion, she deserves the best medical treatment and aftercare that can be provided. This new law will prevent abortion clinics from performing an abortion without providing follow up care and necessary prescription medications.”
Alabama Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard (R) from Auburn said, “As long as the U.S. Supreme Court allows abortion to be legal, we must do everything in our power to ensure it’s done in the safest possible environment. Today, I stood alongside Governor Bentley as he signed the Women’s Health and Safety Act, or House Bill 57, into law. I’m proud to live in a state that prioritizes pro-life legislation and protects our citizens at a time when they are most vulnerable. Thanks to Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin for her tireless efforts in support of this legislation and her continued fight to defend the rights of the unborn.”
The bill was sponsored by Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin (R) from Indian Springs Village. McClurkin said, “The women of Alabama deserve the highest possible standard of healthcare, particularly at such a difficult time. If an abortion clinic is truly dedicated to providing adequate care, ensuring dependable safeguards and putting patients’ needs before profits, it will embrace this legislation rather than oppose it. For far too long, Alabama has had more health regulations in place to protect your cat or dog at a vet clinic than it does for a woman receiving an abortion; this law will correct that shameful disparity.”
Alabama Lieutenant Governor Kay Ivey said, “I am strongly pro-life. “We can’t ban abortion—that’s a federal issue that’s been confirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court—but at the state level, we can regulate and control unsafe health practices. I support the Legislature’s efforts to restrict the operation of unsafe clinics to help ensure a woman’s health.”
Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh (R) from Anniston said. “I applaud Governor Bentley for signing this legislation to provide reasonable and medically-appropriate health and safety standards for women’s health clinics. Pro Tem Del Marsh (R-Anniston) said. “These patients deserve to be treated in a safe environment and in a facility capable of responding to medical emergencies should the need arise.”
Chairman Armistead said, “I hope that Alabama can set an example to other states by demonstrating the importance of making women’s health a priority when performing an abortion. No longer will these clinics be able to have their out-of-state abortion doctors make a quick buck by coming into Alabama to abort the babies with no concern for the mother…..much less the baby being aborted. This law will require these clinics to protect these women or face a serious penalty. I applaud the legislature and Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin (R-Shelby) for passing this much needed law. I am glad to see Governor Bentley sign it into law.”