By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Tuesday, the Alabama House of Representatives stopped in the middle of the session to offer prayers for the recovery of one of their own. State Representative Kurt Wallace had been unexpectedly hospitalized and was then entering emergency surgery.
According to original reporting by ‘The Clanton Advertiser’s Stephen Dawkins on Wednesday Rep. Wallace is stable and improving after emergency surgery Tuesday to repair a ruptured colon.
Wallace became ill on Monday and was rushed to Shelby Baptist Hospital in Alabaster where doctors diagnosed his condition and determined that there was a need for the emergency procedure.
Alabama State Senator Cam Ward (R) from Alabaster said on Twitter, “Prayers tonight for my dear friend & colleague Rep Kurt Wallace of Chilton Co. He is having a big surgery tonight”.
On Wednesday Wallace said on Facebook to his well wishers, “Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated!.” Wallace included a link to the Clanton Advertiser story.
Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries John McMillan (R) replied on Facebook, “God bless you, Kurt. Our prayers are with you.”
Rep. Mack Butler (R) from Rainbow City replied, “We have you in our prayers!”
Rep. Wallace was elected in 2010 and is a former Mayor of Maplesville. Prior to that he was on the Maplesville town council. He worked for Bush Hog for 25 years. He is married to Connie Wallace.
Wallace said on Facebook, “ I am a fearless defender of God and Country! I am the State Representative of District 42 which includes Chilton County and a small portion of Shelby County. I am just an ordinary “working” man like most of the citizen in District 42. Most of my “wants and wishes” in life are simple and family oriented. I want an opportunity to work in my local community, not see all the good jobs sent to foreign countries. I want decent roads to drive on when I go to the grocery store or to the ball park to see my grandchildren play or cheer for our local school or community event. I want to live in a peaceful law abiding neighborhood where I can feel secure at night. When I dial 911, I want a friendly police officer, fireman, or ambulance driver to arrive quickly. And, I want to retire in a community where the American flag is still flown with pride and dignity, where being an American means more than just having a residence here.”
To read the story in the Clanton Advertiser in its entirety: