By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Thursday Congressman Robert Aderholt (R) from Aderholt released a written statement after the Republican controlled United States House of Representatives passed the Ryan led 2014 budget resolution.
Representative Aderholt said, “This week the House of Representatives is once again keeping its promise to get our nation’s fiscal house in order. Implementing a responsible budget that address our nation’s staggering $16.7 trillion debt and Washington’s tax and spend culture is a must to spur job creation and long-term economic growth.”
Rep. Aderholt said, “While Democrats in Washington have been incredibly unserious and imprudent about budgeting, House Republicans have shown they are willing to make the tough choices necessary to get our budget to balance in ten years. The Democrats budget would raise taxes by $1.5 trillion and would never balance, while the budget passed in the House today includes targeted spending cuts that forces Washington to live within its means.”
Congressman Aderholt continued, “Washington cannot spend its way to prosperity, nor can we tax our way to a balanced budget. We simply have to cut government spending and we have to do it today to ensure our children and grandchildren will live in a stable, successful America they can be proud of.”
The House budget cuts the growth of entitlement spending and forecasts rosy economic growth but predicts that (if followed) it would lead to a balanced budget in ten years. The Democrat controlled U.S. Senate also passed their own budget last week. The Senate budget protects entitlement spending, raises taxes, and never shows a balanced budget even on paper.
The national debt is $16,745 billion. The government spends $3,568 billion a year; but only takes in $2,510 billion a year. The largest budget item is Medicare and Medicaid which costs taxpayers $815 billion (before the Obamacare Medicaid expansion kicks in next year). The next largest expenditure is Social Security at $778 billion. That is followed by Defense at $665 billion, income security/wealth transfer programs at $353 billion, interest on the existing debt at $223 billion, and federal pensions at $215 billion.
Representative Aderholt represents Alabama’s Fourth Congressional District. He currently serves as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies for the powerful House Appropriations Committee. He is also a member of the Committee’s Commerce, Justice and Science; and Homeland Security Subcommittees, and also serves on the Helsinki Commission.