By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
The Alabama Legislative Watchdogs which are a part of the Rainy Day Patriots issued a written statement on Tuesday to announce their support for the repeal of the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI).
The group cited a poll in the Birmingham News: “According to the Sunday, March 3, 2013 article in The Birmingham News, 77% of respondents to an on-line poll said “ceding control to Washington would have a negative impact, regardless of whether they thought the Common Core gave away control;” only 23% said it “would be a good thing.” Alabama citizens instinctively know when they are losing their rights. They have been cultivated by the blood of their ancestors, and by the struggles borne on her soil, for all men to be created equal. Alabama and her children are not common; we are not subjects to be molded by artificial government controlled devices.
In their statement the Alabama Legislative Watchdogs asked: Why would Alabama concede its sovereignty to the United States Federal Government? Why would Alabama use its most precious resource, the minds of our Children, to further this loss of sovereignty? These are just a few of the questions those in opposition to CCSSI are asking.”
The conservative group pointed out that the U.S. Constitution and 10th Amendment gives powers to the States not enumerated to the Federal Government. Education is not a Federal enumerated power. Alabama actually has the sole right to direct education. The Alabama Legislative Watchdogs said that the CCSSI transfers Alabama’s educational sovereignty to the Department of Education.
The tea party group said, ““We Dare Defend Our Rights.” We know what Freedom is, and we do not want any more of it taken from us or from our future generations. We oppose what is known as Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI).”
he aware that Alabama is part of the Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS)? Is he aware that not only is Alabama a part of this program, but that Alabama has implemented most of the steps of this data collection?
The conservative group charges that the Alabama Department of Education uses the system STI, to track 748,889 public school students until they graduate with the federal government. They cite state documents that state that even psychometric and biometric data (such as student behavioral qualities, DNA, iris and fingerprints) are acceptable data collection points and can and will be shared with the U.S. Department of Education.”
The Patriots said that questions, “Need to be answered before we throw caution to the wind and experiment with the heavy hand of the Federal Government regarding Alabama’s educational future. The information against CCSSI is extensive and damaging. We could write a much longer, more detailed and documented letter highlighting the multitude of intrusions into Alabama’s sovereignty and our children’s educational future. However, we believe we have presented enough substantial material to make the case to repeal and/or defund the Common Core State Standards Initiative.”
Most of Alabama’s education bureaucrats including Alabama State Superintendent of Education Tommy Bice supports adopting the common core standards which the Alabama State Board of Education has already voted to implement.
The Alabama Republican Party Executive Committee, the Alabama Federation of Republican Women, the Alabama Eagle Forum, and the Alabama Legislative Watchdogs have all endorsed legislation that would defund the Common Core Curriculum introduced by Alabama State Senator Dick Brewbaker (R) from Montgomery. Brewbaker’s bill is likely to be before the Education Policy Committee on Wednesday.