By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
The Alabama Republican Party has selected Alabama Chad A. Fincher (R) as this week’s rising Republican Star. Fincher represents the 102nd district located in Mobile County and was first elected to the Alabama House in 2006. The Alabama Republican Party selected Rep. Fincher, “as this week’s Rising Republican Star due to his hard work and leadership in shepherding the Local Control School Flexibility Act through the legislature. The “Flex Act” gave way last Thursday to the Alabama Accountability Act of 2013.”
Alabama Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead said in a written statement, “I could not be prouder than I am right now of our Republican majority in Montgomery. For way too long, Alabamians’ have been told one thing on the campaign trail and then the powers that be in Montgomery kill reform ideas and maintain a status quo that has held our state back. That is no longer the case after the 2010 elections when Republicans promised to reform our state. I encourage you to reach out to the Republicans in our legislature and let them know how much you appreciate them for taking on the establishment to make a difference.”
Rep. Fincher said after the passage of the Alabama Accountability Act, “I ran for the Legislature in order to make meaningful, long-lasting improvements in the lives of my fellow Alabamians, and today, we did just that. Schoolchildren who woke up this morning with little opportunity and few hopes for success now have a clearly lit path to a quality education and a brighter future.” “Alabama’s public education system has been literally begging for reform, and it was pulled firmly into the 21st Century today.”
Rep. Fincher is currently the Chairman of the House Agriculture and Forestry Committee. Fincher also is a member of: the House Ways and Means Committee, the Mobile County Delegation Committee, the Water Policy and Management Joint Legislative Committee, the Joint Legislative Committee on State Parks, the Housing Finance Authority Legislative Oversight Committee, the Permanent Joint Legislative Committee on Energy Policy, the Southern Legislative Conferences Agriculture and Rural Development Committee, and the Southern Regional Education Board Legislative Advisory Council.
Representative Fincher graduated from Auburn University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Forestry Operations. Fincher owns Fincher and Associates Realty Services and is a licensed Realtor in Alabama and Mississippi and is also a Registered Forester.
Fincher is a member of the Mobile Republican Executive Committee, the Mobile Area Association of Realtors Board of Directors, the Mobile County Grand Old Party, the Alabama Cattleman’s Association, the Alabama Farmers Federation, West Mobile Baptist Church, and the Alabama Treasure Forest Association.
Fincher is married to Caresse Hughes Fincher, and they have two children Anna Catherine and Jackson.