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Armistead Applauds McClurkin on Passage of Women’s Health and Safety Act and Luther Strange on Gambling Action

Staff Report

From the office of Bill Armistead, Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party
An Important Step towards Medical Safeguards

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Bill Armistead, Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party issued the following statement Tuesday upon passage of the Women’s Health and Safety Act sponsored by Representative Mary Sue McClurkin. The bill would require abortion clinics to meet the same standards as emergency health care centers and would place stronger requirements on doctors who perform the procedures. Additionally, clinics would be required to report minors seeking abortions.  This bill is a key component of the “We Dare Defend Our Right to Life” section of the House Republican Caucus’ 2013 “We Dare Defend Our Rights” legislative agenda and will now proceed to the Senate for consideration.

“Our Republican legislature is once again standing on strong moral ground in standing up for women’s rights with the passage of the Women’s Health and Safety Act. When this bill becomes law, women who choose to have an abortion can know that they are being cared for in an environment that is safe.  I am encouraged that dangerous and unregulated fly-by-night abortion clinics will cease to exist in Alabama and women will receive the same standard of care they would receive in a hospital or emergency room during such a tumultuous and emotionally scarring time. While the Republican Party opposes abortions we must do all that we can to make them as safe as possible as long as they are legal.”

An Important Statement on Illegal Gambling

Chairman Armistead also issued the following statement in regards to Tuesday’s actions by Attorney General Luther Strange:

“I applaud the actions taken by Attorney General  Luther Strange and his office to once and for all rid our state of illegal gambling.  Hopefully, the lawsuit that he has filed in the Circuit Court of Elmore County will result in clarification of what is legal and what is illegal gambling in Alabama.  Once clarified I am certain that the Attorney General will enforce them to the letter of the law.

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The gambling issue has been a cloud over the legislative process for years as efforts to expand gambling in Alabama has been on-going for decades.  I know first hand how the gambling issue can cause the legislature to become dysfunctional since I served in the Senate for 8 years. Many good pieces of legislation that would benefit the hard working families have failed to pass over the years due to the persistence of the gambling industry in trying to expand in our State. Alabama voters have also expressed their opinion on gambling when they voted down Gov. Don Siegelman’s lottery in 1999.

The Alabama Republican Party has on numerous occasions taken a public stance in opposition to expanded gaming in Alabama and supports the removal of all gambling enterprises in the state.  Today General Strange has taken a large step forward for our state and bringing the gaming and gambling issue to a lawful conclusion once and for all in Alabama.”

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