Staff Report
From the office of Congressman Spencer Bachus
WASHINGTON – Congressman Spencer Bachus (AL-6) tonight commented on President Obama’s State of the Union Address, saying the greatest focus needed to be on cutting spending and reducing the national debt.
Bachus issued the following statement.
“Every family in America has to have the discipline not to spend more than they earn. The least that they can ask of their country and their government is to submit a balanced budget. Our children and our grandchildren are our priorities. Any country that doesn’t put their children or grandchildren and their security first is headed down the wrong path, and our country is headed down the wrong path. Our six trillion dollar deficit over the last four years, our out-of-control spending, and our lack of reform is putting our children’s security at risk. We are mortgaging their future. We are spending money they’ll have to pay back. None of that is fair. None of that is right. None of that is moral.
“The first thing the President needs to do is put us on a path to balancing our budget. That is the least he can do for our children and our grandchildren. We have soldiers today fighting for our security in Afghanistan. The Greatest Generation secured our freedom. The small sacrifice we would have to make as Americans in this generation to balance our budget pales in comparison.”