By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Tuesday President Barack H. Obama (D) delivered a state of the Union speech that was heavy on expanding government power and spending. Congressman Jo Bonner (R) from Mobile and Congresswoman Martha Roby (R) from Auburn both issued statements after President Obama’s State of the Union Address Tuesday night.
Rep. Bonner said, “Remarkably, after four years in office President Obama remains completely disconnected from average Americans who are still looking for fulfillment of his first term promises of a better economy and a more hopeful future.”
Rep. Roby said, “Tonight we heard a speech based in liberal ideology rather than fiscal reality. It is obvious President Obama is not serious about addressing the nation’s debt problem. Instead, he wants to raise taxes again to pay for more stimulus-type spending on government programs.”
Rep. Bonner said, “Sadly, after the most partisan governing in recent memory, the president’s address lacked the courageous leadership to bring together a divided nation. Absent from his remarks were any signs that he would finally match the sacrifices of ordinary Americans with bold steps to rein in an increasingly costly and burdensome federal government.”
Rep. Roby said, “President Obama, who originally proposed the ‘sequestration’ plan, is now using it as an opportunity to raise taxes even more. But, we can’t tax our way out of sequestration. There is a smarter way to reduce government spending than to hollow out our nation’s defense forces. We all know the true driver of long term debt is mandatory spending, so any serious plan to solve our debt problem has to include reforms to mandatory spending programs. It is a shame that our Commander-in-Chief is using the military as leverage in an ideological crusade for higher taxes.”
Rep. Bonner said, “The president talked tonight as if he were just entering office, laying out a fresh vision of big government stimulus programs and costly new energy restrictions. In fact, these are the same failed policies which for the last four years have kept real unemployment at 10.8 percent and added nearly $6 trillion to the national debt. Despite his pledges to reignite the engine of economic growth, President Obama has done little to empower working Americans during his first term. The Republican Congress is prepared to work with the president to put Americans back to work, but not by rubberstamping a big government agenda that has already failed millions who’ve given up hope.”
Congresswoman Martha Roby represents Alabama’s Second Congressional District. Congressman Jo Bonner represents Alabama’s First Congressional District.