Staff Report
From the Office of Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party Bill Armistead
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – Bill Armistead, Chairman of the Alabama Republican party released the following statement upon the conclusion of President Obama’s fifth State of the Union Address this evening:
“It’s that time of year again. President Obama takes center stage and performs before the American people. And, it is all about a performance and not substance that will benefit the hard working Americans who are trying to make ends meet and others who don’t have the means to make ends meet. He talks about how concerned he is about the weak economy and the soaring national debt. But Alabamians’ have heard enough fancy speeches from this President to know the truth: it’s all talk and nothing else. He’s not serious about creating jobs. He’s not serious about deficit reduction. He’s not serious about spending reform.
If President Obama cared about the deficit, he would have kept his promise to cut it in half by the end of his first term. If he cared about job creation, he would not have dismissed his Jobs Council earlier this month. Alabama voters know what the president and his fellow Democrats are really after: higher taxes. But they have already raised taxes! Not just on the rich but on everyone who collects a paycheck. Now is the time for real solutions and real reforms that put more money in Americans’ pockets and creates a better future for the next generation.
Tonight, I am reminded of what Governor Robert Bentley said just last week in his State of the State Address, ‘if Washington wants to know how to fix the nation’s budget crisis, they need to look no further than the example set by the states – and especially the state of Alabama’.
I am proud of the hard work our elected Republican leaders are doing in Montgomery to Right Size Government. As Governor Bentley said last week, President Obama should take note of what can be accomplished when government works for the people instead of working to find new ways to tax and spend the people’s money like the rhetoric we heard tonight coming out of President Barack Husain Obama.”