By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R) from Alabama issued a written statement after the introduction of a measure he cosponsored to permanently authorize and require employers to use the E-Verify program to bring immigration security to the workplace.
Sen. Sessions said, “E-verify is the standard for all businesses that work with the state of Alabama. This nation’s economic climate is marred by high unemployment and stagnant job growth. It is important, now more than ever, to actively present employment opportunities to United States citizens. Illegal labor, subsidized by federal benefits, is taking jobs and thus hurting both legal immigrants and native born Americans. This cannot continue. Before considering some broad-based amnesty, shouldn’t we finally deliver for the American people on the enforcement of those laws already in place? What good are new promises when old ones are being broken? This legislation is a crucial step towards restoring the rule of law in America and regaining the trust of the American people necessary to consider future reforms.”
Sen. Sessions said, “Illegal labor, subsidized by federal benefits, is taking jobs and thus hurting both legal immigrants and native born Americans… Before considering some broad-based amnesty, shouldn’t we finally deliver for the American people on the enforcement of those laws already in place?” “Encouraging self-sufficiency must be a bedrock for our immigration policy, with the goal of reducing poverty, strengthening the family, and promoting our economic values. But Administration officials and their policies are working actively against this goal.”
Sen. Sessions said that the Obama Administration has defied federal statutes requiring that immigrants be able to make a living. Sessions said that the Department of Human Services (DHS) is even promoting welfare benefits to new immigrants and is even about to start advertising free coverage under the President’s health law (Obamacare). “Despite laws to the contrary, virtually no one is being turned away from the United States for being welfare-reliant.”
Sen. Sessions said that USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack has refused to comply with efforts by Congress to learn more about the Department’s efforts to enroll immigrants and non-citizens on 15 USDA-administered welfare programs. Food stamp usage among immigrants has quadrupled since 2001 and Vilsack has defied October and December deadlines to answer questions about his administration of USDA assistance programs.
Sessions cited a recent Center for Immigration Services study that found that 36% of immigrant-headed households received at least one welfare benefit in 2010 (including public housing).
Despite an economy that contracted in the fourth quarter of 2012 and an increase in unemployment President Obama has decided to push legislation which would make most of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants citizens.
Senator Jeff Sessions is a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.