Staff Report
From The Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice
BIRMINGHAM – The Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice (ACIJ) released a statement today supporting President Obama’s emphatic declaration that “the time is now” for comprehensive immigration reform. “The time is now,” said Rev. Angie Wright, “and the place is Washington, D.C. States like Alabama have no business meddling in the business of immigration reform.”
ACIJ applauds the President and Congress for making immigration reform a top priority early in 2013. President Obama noted that currently there is no pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented persons living in the United States. ACIJ supports a clear, timely and direct path to citizenship.
“We are hopeful,” said Mayra Rangel, ACIJ Steering Committee member, “but we are waiting to see the details. Any proposal that requires years of waiting for the border to be secure in order to begin the residency process will not have the support of immigrant communities in Alabama. Some of us have been waiting 15 years or more under this broken immigration system. Our families just can’t afford to wait any longer while we continue to be torn apart by mass deportations.”
Leaders and members of the Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice are encouraged that the bipartisan group of Senators and President Obama took a strong first step towards immigration reform. We will continue to advocate for the type of reform that benefits all the people of Alabama, immigrants and non-immigrants alike.
The Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice is a network of individuals and organizations which seek to provide a united voice dedicated to ensuring the social, legal and civic rights of all immigrants in Alabama. ACIJ’s members work to promote justice for all of Alabama’s immigrants. Please visit for more information.