By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Alabama House of Representatives member Ed Henry (R) from Hartselle expressed his support for the House Republican Caucus’s ‘We Dare Defend Our Rights’ 2013 legislative agenda.
Representative Henry said, “I have heard from many across the district who have expressed concern over the far-reaching liberal government. Between skyrocketing taxes, out-of-control federal spending, unconstitutional gun control and the stifling mandates of Obamacare are already being forced upon us, and with the president unfettered from the worries of reelection, it is no surprise that many Alabamians want assurance that their liberties will not be further invaded on.”
Rep. Henry continued, “More than ever, Alabama’s state motto- “We Dare Defend Our Rights”- rings meaningful across our state, and We, House Republicans, understand that the rights of Alabamians are under constant threat from Obama’s ever-expanding and encroaching federal government. Rest assured, we are ready to repel these attacks on our fundamental liberties. For that reason, House Republicans have proposed the “We Dare Defend Our Rights” agenda for the 2013 legislative session, and will prioritize our work to ensure that each of these items become law.”
Speaker of the Alabama House Mike Hubbard (R) from Auburn said on Facebook, “This agenda is designed to preserve the rights and liberties Alabama citizens hold dear while also continuing our work to create jobs, improve the economy and cut needless spending and government waste. We will prioritize our work in the legislature to ensure that each of these items becomes law.”rove the economy and cut needless spending and government waste. We will prioritize our work in the legislature to ensure that each of these items becomes law.
Rep. Henry said, “Our House Republican Caucus will not sit idly by while an out-of-control federal government attempts to run roughshod over our conservative beliefs and values. Instead, we will fight the good fight, we will stand in the breach, and, yes, we will “Dare Defend Our Rights.”
The Alabama House faces an Obama administration who has worked to expand federal power over the economy, over the states, and over the individual to unprecedented heights. The administration through executive fiat has assumed regulatory authority over CO2 emissions (a gas we create literally by the act of breathing) threatening our state’s thousands of coal jobs. Through Obamacare the administration has eliminated the individual’s right not to buy healthcare insurance and a business’s right not to pay for medical procedures that they object to for ethical or religious reasons. Through its’ court challenges of the Arizona Law the Obama administration has stripped the states of much of their ability to enforce federal immigration law. Through the Dodd-Frank Act the federal government has assumed regulatory authority over millions of business transactions that were previously regulated by state government. As President Obama begins his second term he has proposed a massive program which will strip millions of Americans of their Second Amendment rights.
To learn more visit the House GOP website: