By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
The Associated Press is reporting that Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries John McMillan (R) has hired former Republican Primary rival Dale Peterson as a confidential assistant. The outspoken grassroots conservative who earned national acclaim with his gun toting YouTube campaign ad in the 2010 election.
Dale Peterson said on Facebook, “This is a great opportunity for me to go to work for the people of Alabama. I appreciate the confidence that Commissioner McMillan has in my business ability to contribute to the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries.”
Peterson is reportedly being paid $72,686 a year for his expertise.
Not everyone was pleased with the appointment.
Birmingham talk radio host, Matt Murphy, said on Facebook, “This is a useless waste of money. McMillan should be ashamed of himself.” Murphy went on to call the job, “a useless position” and Peterson a, “Useless person to fill it.”
Dale Peterson said on his agriculture web blog, “Kathy and I have a lifetime of successful business knowledge and experience and wonderful educations, both formally and in the trenches, so why would we waste that when our state and our country are in such need?”
Peterson who has a Shelby County llama ranch first entered politics seeking the Republican nomination for Alabama Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries in 2010. In 2012 his wife, Kathy, sought the Republican nomination as President of the Alabama Public Service Commission. Neither made the Republican runoff. Both were also very active in the campaign of 2012 Republican candidate Herman Cain. Cain ultimately dropped out of the race before the Iowa Caucuses due to sensationalized allegations of marital infidelity and sexual harassment.
Peterson said of his other 2010 Primary opponent, Alabama Farmer’s Federation endorsed Dorman Grace, “Who would vote for such a dummy?” And accused “thugs and criminals” of trying to steal the Ag. Commissioner’s office. Peterson endorsed McMillan for Alabama Agriculture Commissioner in the Republican runoff. Peterson said, “I’m not looking for a career; I’ve already had several. I’m looking to make a difference.”
To see Dale Peterson’s famed campaign video: