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Brooks Speaks Out Against Tax Increases

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Monday U.S. Representative Mo Brooks (R) from Huntsville spoke on the floor of the U.S. House against tax increases on the American people demanded by members of the Democratic Party and the then looming fiscal cliff.

Rep. Brooks said, “By every economic measure, the Bush Tax Cuts were a spectacular success. Republican Congressmen and Senators voted 258 to 2, (that’s 99%), to cut taxes and protect family incomes.  In contrast, Democrat Congressmen and Senators who now say they are for protecting family incomes, voted 184 to 40, a whopping 81%, against American families and for higher taxes.”

Brooks said that in 2003, “Republican Congressmen and Senators voted 272 to 3, that’s 99%, to cut taxes and protect family incomes.  In contrast, Democrat Congressmen and Senators who now say they are for protecting family incomes voted 245 to 9, an eye-popping 96%, against American families and for higher taxes.”

Rep. Brooks said,

“The Bush Tax Cuts history illuminates why American families face huge tax increases on January first. The Bush Tax Cuts had two purposes:

First:  stimulate the economy, create jobs, cut unemployment, and cut the deficit.  Second:  cut taxes to help American families take care of their own needs.

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In just three years, thanks to the Bush Tax Cuts: Unemployment dropped from a high of 6.3% in 2003 to a low of 4.4% in 2006. 7 million American jobs were created from 2003 to 2006.

Most importantly, and paradoxically to those who do not understand economics, this robust economic growth cut America’s deficit 60%, from $413 Billion in FY 03-04 to $161 Billion in FY 06-07.”

Rep. Brooks blamed Senate Democrats for preventing the Bush Tax Cuts from being permanent.  Rep. Brooks said, “But for these Senate Democrats, America would not be facing a fiscal cliff today.”

Rep. Brooks said, “Washington Democrats twice voted against tax increases on the wealthy, and twice voted against giving permanent tax relief to lower and middle income families, so that they could run campaigns on base human emotions like greed, envy and class-warfare and campaign against the very tax policies Democrats kept in place, thus deflecting attention from Democrats’ abysmal record on the economy, trillion-dollar deficits, and $16 trillion national debt.

To their credit, in 2012, their strategy worked.  Democrats won the White House and the Senate.”

Rep. Brooks concluded, “History proves Democrats raise taxes whenever they believe they can get away with it. Conversely, history proves Republicans protect as many American families as possible from Democrat tax increases.”

“That is the fight the Republican House fights today.  Republicans will fight today, and Republicans will fight tomorrow, to protect as many American families as possible from the tax increases Democrats passed when they controlled Congress and the White House.”

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Brooks voted against the fiscal cliff deal that passed the Congress on Wednesday.
Congressman Mo Brooks represents Alabama’s Fifth Congressional District.  He recently won a second term in the United States Congress.  Rep. Brooks and Rep. Roby both voted against the 2011 Budget Control Act that set the stage for the mandatory sequestration cuts which is part of the fiscal cliff crisis that our nation’s leaders are dealing with today.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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