By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
U.S. Representative Robert Aderholt (R) from Haleyville applauded the passage of the American Energy Manufacturing Technical Corrections Act. H.R. 6582 was introduced by Congressman Robert Aderholt and passed in the United States House of Representatives with overwhelming bipartisan support by 398 to 2.
H.R. 6582 would amend the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 to provide important and necessary technical corrections to the law that would remove bureaucratic red tape and protect jobs according to Rep. Aderholt’s written release.
Rep. Aderholt said,
“Too often bureaucratic red tape and needless federal regulations keep America’s innovators and small businesses from creating jobs. This legislation passed by the House today is a common sense solution to what never should have never been a problem to begin with, but unfortunately became another bureaucratic nightmare further stifling job creation.”
Congressman Aderholt said, “If we want to see economic growth in this country, it is critical that our nation’s policy and laws create a regulatory environment that fosters innovation and job creation. Due to an increase in overreaching, burdensome and unnecessary regulations over the past few years, too many small businesses have had to layoff employees, reduce production or even shut their doors. This is precisely what happened to HH Technologies, an innovative manufacturing company in Cullman County, Alabama. The federal government’s embrace of outdated technology prohibited a new and innovative solution to improved energy efficiency.”
Rep. Aderholt said, “Through House Republicans continued efforts to streamline and eliminate bureaucratic red-tape in Washington, like the legislation passed today, we can begin to jumpstart our nation’s economic growth and reinvigorate job creation. I thank my colleagues for supporting H.R. 6582 and look forward to seeing the bill become law.”
H.R. 6582 makes technical corrections to the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 that would reduce regulatory burdens by correcting clerical errors made and eliminating any problems caused by the errors. Some of these corrections include: “updating the uniform efficiency descriptor for covered water heaters, clarifying language regarding regulatory treatment for small duct high velocity systems made by U.S. manufacturers, coordinating research and development of energy efficient technologies for the industry, and establishes a separate, less stringent standard for over the counter commercial refrigerators, that due to large glass windows are inherently less energy efficient than other commercial refrigeration products.”
H.R. 6582 now moves on to the Senate.
Congressman Aderholt represents Alabama’s Fourth Congressional District.