By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
U.S. Representative Martha Roby (R) from Montgomery went to Facebook to criticize President Barack Obama’s position on the fiscal cliff and sequestration cuts which will take effect on January 1 if the Congress is not able to come to agreement with the White House on U.S. fiscal policy. Meanwhile Congressman Jo Bonner (R) from Mobile complained about the President’s intransigence on the negotiations in his weekly column.
Rep. Roby said on Facebook, “The Advertiser’s Mary Orndorff did a Sunday story on the possible consequences of the “fiscal cliff” in Alabama. This is what happens when the White House decides to put politics ahead of good policy. They insist on raising taxes despite the harmful effects it would have on small businesses and the economy as a whole.”
Rep. Bonner said, “Tax increases – no matter how great – cannot hold back the giant tidal wave of debt that will swamp America if serious reforms are not made soon. House Republicans were quick to reach out to the president with our proposal to simplify the onerous federal tax code, further reduce spending, and most importantly, sit down with the White House to reform the way our current entitlement programs are structured to keep them solvent for future generations.”
Rep. Roby Continued, “This awful plan would blindly slash defense spending despite the incredibly negative impact it will have on our military. President Obama and the Democrats seem willing to drive this country off the ‘fiscal cliff’ and back into recession all to get the tax increases they so desperately want. More taxes alone will never fix our fiscal problems. The real problem is spending, and Americans want reasonable, responsible reforms that promote economic growth.”
Rep. Bonner said, “Given the magnitude of the challenges we face as a country, it is profoundly disappointing to see the president shirk his responsibility as the nation’s leader and ignore the hard work that must be done. There is still time to reach an agreement, but the window is narrowing quickly.”
Congresswoman Roby said, “The President does not seem to understand the way that most small businesses work.”
If the President and the Congress do not find a way to work together on this most Americans will see their taxes go up substantially on January 1 and massive defense industry layoff will shutter numerous weapons programs as well as radically downsize America’s armed forces……at a time when we are still fighting a war in Afghanistan. Many economists fear that the sudden hike in tax rates combined with sequestration cuts to defense and Medicare could plunge the already weak economy into a second recession.
Congresswoman Martha Roby represents Alabama’s Second Congressional District while Congressman Jo Bonner represents Alabama’s First Congressional District.