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Bentley Awards Grants to Fight Drug War

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Alabama Governor Robert Bentley (R) has announced a series of grants to Shelby, Talladega, and Chambers Counties help local communities fund drug task forces to fight the trafficking and sale of illegal drugs.

Gov. Bentley said in a written statement, “Illegal drugs are a dangerous and destructive force.” “Illegal drugs not only destroy the lives of the individuals involved, they also cause great harm to families.”  Gov. Bentley said, “Illegal drugs and those who distribute them are a threat to our families and communities.”

Gov. Bentley announced that the state has awarded a $139,506 grant to the Shelby County Commission to help combat the trafficking and sale of illegal drugs. Bentley said, “. “I commend the task force’s continued efforts to lessen the impact of drugs in Shelby County.”

The grant is supporting the Shelby County Drug Enforcement Task Force. The Task force conducts undercover operations to arrest and prosecute drug offenders. It also searches for and dismantles dangerous methamphetamine laboratories and assists with violent crime investigations. The unit includes officers from four law enforcement agencies and a full-time prosecutor from the District Attorney’s Office. Shelby County will have to produce matching funds of $46,502.

Similarly, Gov.Bentley has awarded a $150,499 grant to the Talladega County Commission to support the county’s Drug and Violent Crime task force. Gov. Bentley said, “This task force is working diligently remove drugs from the streets.” The task force is a specialized unit that investigates and prosecutes illegal drug trafficking and manufacturing. Talladega County will have to provide matching funds of $50,166.

Gov. Bentley also announced an award of a $72,053 grant to the Chambers County Commission to help another task force combat illegal drugs and drug-related crime.  The Fifth Judicial Circuit Drug Task Force is a joint unit of the county Sheriff’s Department, the District Attorney’s Office and the police departments of Lafayette, Lanett and Valley. Bentley said. “I commend the task force’s commitment to stopping the manufacture and sale of these dangerous substances.” The unit arrests and prosecutes drug offenders, finds and dismantles dangerous methamphetamine laboratories, and assists with violent crime investigations and conducts undercover operations. Chambers County has to come up with $24,017 in matching funds.

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The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) is administering the grants from funds made available by the U.S. Department of Justice.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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