By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
It took Alabama secession petition organizers less than a week to get the required 25,000 signatures to get a response from the Obama Administration. Alabama’s elected leaders say however that the state has no plans to become an independent nation at this time.
Alabama State Senator Paul Bussman (R) from Cullman said on Facebook, “I have had 10 emails this morning asking if AL is going to secede from the US. I understand the anger following the election. I am upset as well, but we are not going to secede from the US. This country has problems, the State of AL has problems, but we will AS A COUNTRY and STATE fix these problems. We in AL will do everything in our power to protect the sovereignty of our State and protect our rights as afforded by the Constitution, but we will not secede. There has been NO talk of this by any of my fellow legislators. Let’s set our sights on real solutions not waste our time on unrealistic solutions.”
Alabama State Representative Phil Williams (R) from Huntsville said of secession, “Come to Montgomery for a day to see how long we would last without federal dollars if you think this idea is worth discussing. (Hint: if you can’t make the drive the answer is likely less than 48 hours). If you are frustrated with where we are as a nation I challenge you to turn off the TV for a week and get involved with your local community and local legislative delegation.” Rep. Williams said that an independent Alabama would have serious budgetary issues. “We get about 150% back for what we send up. Maybe a bit more or less but it isn’t a pretty picture.”
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley’s spokeswoman Jennifer Ardis said in a written statement, “Governor Bentley believes in one nation under God. While there is frustration with the federal government, Governor Bentley believes that states can be great laboratories of change.”
Ardis wrote, “As our leaders in Washington look for strategies to address America’s financial challenges, Alabama is working hard toward saving a billion dollars annually by right-sizing government. We can disagree on philosophy, but we should work together to make this country the best it can be. Our nation’s leaders can look at states like Alabama as they work to get our country back on a better and more prosperous track.”
While no elected officials in Alabama have endorsed secession efforts to this point many have expressed concern about the direction that the federal government under President Barack H. Obama is taking the nation. Speaker of the Alabama House Mike Hubbard (R) from Auburn said that he created the Speaker’s Commission on Alabama Values and States rights because, “Individual rights of Alabamians are under attack from an ever-expanding and encroaching federal government, committed liberal activists, and entrenched special interests fighting to preserve the dysfunctional status quo,” Speaker Hubbard said. “I have asked this commission to search for ways the Legislature can help preserve the 10th Amendment rights guaranteed to Alabama by the U.S. Constitution while, at the same time, suggesting bills and other measures that will repel the federal assault on our citizens’ freedoms and liberties.”
Almost thirty different state petitions have been posted on the White House’s website requesting secession. Those petitions have collected 700,000 signatures to this point. The Alabama secession amendment was started by Derrick Belcher of Chunchula after a Slidell, Louisiana resident started the similar Louisiana secession petition.