Staff Report
Congressman thanks voters & volunteers, pledges to continue work on critical issues
From the Office of Representative Martha Roby
MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Voters in Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District have reelected Martha Roby to the United States House of Representatives, delivering a mandate-sized margin of victory affirming the first-term Republican’s record of representing Alabama’s common sense conservative values in Congress.
Rep. Roby tonight thanked the people for their vote of confidence and vowed to continue working to tackle the tough issues that face the nation.
“Serving the people of Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District the last two years has been a tremendous honor, and I’m grateful for the trust voters have placed in my family and me to continue our service.” Rep. Roby said. “From the budget deficit and our growing debt to looming military cuts and reestablishing America’s place in the world, our nation faces some serious challenges in the immediate future. The decisions made in the next two years will impact Americans for generations to come.
“I pledge to work with my colleagues in Congress to address these issues, and others, to ensure America’s brightest days are ahead. I promise to continue to make sure the people of Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District have a voice in Washington, so that our common sense conservative values are heard loud and clear.”
Preliminary, unofficial results show Rep. Roby winning more than 60 percent of the vote. In a district that has been among the nation’s most volatile in the previous two election cycles with outcomes decided by just a few thousand votes, such a sizable victory is a significant achievement.
“There is a time for campaigning and a time for governing,” Rep. Roby said. “After tonight, we must all recommit ourselves to work together toward getting our country on a prosperous, sustainable path and restoring America’s promise as a land of opportunity. The people deserve nothing less.”