By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
MONTGOMERY—In a last the last few hours before the polls open, new charges are being made against Chief Justice candidate Roy Moore.
Former United States Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama from 1997 until 2001 G. Douglas Jones has questioned Moore’s activities with regards to a Ohio lawsuit filed against the Foundation for Moral Law (FLM) a group headed by Judge Moore.
The case involves a judgement against the Foundation for Moral Law by InfoCision Management Corporation. InfoCision is a Bath Township, Ohio, based company that operates call centers. According to Wikipidia, it is “The second-largest teleservice company in the United States, the firm operates 30 call centers at 12 locations throughout Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania where it employs more than 4,000 people. The company “specializes in political, Christian and nonprofit fundraising, and sales and customer care.”
Jones alleges that it appears the FLM transferred assets to Moore to avoid paying a judgement against the non-profit by InfoCision. The lawsuit against FLM began in 2010.
According to Jones, in February of 2011, “They [FLM] say that there is an indebtedness to the foundation for arrears in salary [to Moore] for the past four years. But it doesn’t really talk about whether or not there is a contract with Moore for a certain amount of salary. There is nothing to indicate where they arrived at this figure. It doesn’t talk about the salary that they reported paying him over the years.” see Doc 1.
The meetings minutes list only one item on the agenda and that is that FLM has an indebtedness to Moore.”
Jones says, “There is no evidence in the minutes of the indebtedness that is attached to this. There is a promissory note given the same day but there is not a promissory note or any evidence of any indebtedness that they have to Moore.”
See Doc 1.
At the board meeting, Moore is given promissory note against the FLM property at One Dexter Avenue in Montgomery. The Warranty Deed shows that Capitol Enterprise sells the property to FLM for $100.00. See Doc 3
In December 2011, there is a second mortgage (Doc 2) on the Dexter property for $498,000,00.
On August 30, 2011, the Ohio court entered a final judgement in favor of InfoCision.
The court awarded InfoCision $345,991.89. On February 3, prejudgment interest in the amount of $119,326.94. See Doc 4
“Low and behold there is a judgement taken against the foundation in the summer of 2011. In December 2011, they actually upped the mortgage again, with no evidence that they owe him [Moore] a dime they up it again another $105K and now they are saying we owe Roy Moore a half a million dollars with no evidence to back it up whatsoever. No contract, no nothing to indicate what they have done,” said Jones. “So it at least raises a serious question as to whether or not the Foundation for Moral Law is attempting to try to thwart the creditor that got a judgement against them and secure Roy Moore and line his pockets.”
Jones says it is very unusual for a nonprofit to worry about paying its president, ahead of its creditors.
Jones points out that according to groups IRS 990, filing Moore was paid, $55,392K in 2008, nothing in 2009 and $90K in 2010.
The Moore campaign responded by saying, “This is nothing but a last minute attack by Bob Vance on the eve of the election to conceal the fact that he violated Federal law in giving thousands of dollars to Barack Obama in exchange for Obama’s appointment of his wife, Joyce Vance, to the office of U. S. Attorney in Birmingham.
Vance now brings up a case in which the Foundation for Moral Law has been involved for over seven years against a telemarketing company which defrauded a great number of charities and has been investigated and fined by the Ohio State Attorney General. The Judge in our case has been removed and the case is now pending before another court.
The Vance campaign wrote in an email, “These allegations are troubling, and if true call into questions Mr. Moore’s judgement and adherence to the rule of law – which is the main reason we are in the race in the first place”