Staff Report
From the Office of Bill Armistead, Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Bill Armistead, Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party issued the following statement at the conclusion of the third and final 2012 Presidential Debate:
“An overly aggressive Obama proved one thing to political observers tonight — the President knows he is falling behind and needed to mix things up. Obama interrupted, smirked and laughed his way through another debate, all the while Governor Romney sat poised, calm and collected. Some might even call that being Presidential.
“Obama knows this election is slipping away from him and we know why. It is this President’s utter failure to lead that has caused Americans in wide margins to break towards Governor Romney in the closing days of this campaign.
“As Obama’s image in the global community has dimmed, so has America’s. It is time for a leader who will restore America to its former brilliance. The President of the United States should know that America never, ever, leads from behind. And we need never fear that Romney will make promises of “flexibility” to leaders who don’t have America’s best interest at heart.
“And once again, Romney brought home the point that this election is really about jobs and the economy. Obama’s current foreign policy, including allowing China to engage in currency manipulation with impunity, is devastating to American laborers and tax-payers. A Romney Administration will address these issues head on as a President should.
“Without question, Governor Romney showed America tonight that he is ready to be the Commander in Chief.”
PIC: Bill Armistead