Staff Report
From the Office of Bill Armistead, Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party
Birmingham, Ala. – Bill Armistead, Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party issued the following statement regarding the first 2012 Presidential Debate:
“I believe that tonight Governor Romney demonstrated that he is up to the task of being President and came across as more knowledgeable and confident about the direction he would take the country. This was by far the best debate performance that Governor Romney has ever had. Governor Romney made the case against Barack Obama’s vision of trickle down government and at the same time laid out a different path for Americans to follow over the next four years.
“Governor Romney continued to remind Americans and Obama of Obama’s failed promises and broken record.
“Governor Romney reminded us that under President Obama over 23 million American are unemployed.
“Governor Romney reminded us that under President Obama, the unemployment rate has remained over 8% for a record setting 43 straight months.
“Governor Romney also addressed the national debt, which the President promised to cut by half in his first term. Under President Obama, the debt has increased by $5.4 trillion increasing each citizen’s debt burden by over $16,000 to a record high $51,000 per individual.
“Regarding Obamacare, Governor Romney reminded us that President Obama has raided $716 billion from Medicare and by 2016; taxes will be raised on over five million middle class Americans to pay for Obamacare.
“Governor Romney reminded us that this is a critical election and that there are two very different paths America can choose. The President’s plan has four more years of the same lofty rhetoric and empty promises. Under Governor Romney’s plan, 12 million new jobs will be created and individuals will maintain more personal freedom.
“Governor Romney articulately spelled out his five point plan to grow the middle class and put more Americans back to work. It was clear to me that Governor Romney showed the nation that he is prepared to be President on day one. He was well prepared and delivered the most substance-filled debate that I have ever seen. Romney clearly won every round in this debate. He is on his way to being the next President of the United States. I am proud to be able to send Alabama’s Battleground Patriots into the battleground states of Florida, Virginia, North Carolina and Ohio to ensure a Romney victory next month.”