By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
TAMPA—After five conventions state senator says, “If you love politics, this is still a once in a lifetime experience.”
That was the sentiment of State Senator Cam Ward (R-Alabaster) as he prepared to leave the Tampa GOP convention to return home to Alabama.
“We as a delegation are really energized,” said Ward. “Governor Romney hit it out of the park the last night and we are ready to go out and win back the country.”
Ward said it was exciting to have a front row seat at history in the making–to watch as the party’s current presidential nominee and future rising stars take to the stage and lay out the republican vision of America.
“Before his speech a lot of people around the country did not know that Romney was not born into wealth. He really worked hard and made it as a self-made businessman,” Ward said. “It was also exciting to hear men like Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio lay out the case for the future of our country.”
Ward said that perhaps the highlight of the convention for him was, “Being with Lt. Governor Kay Ivey and Senator Jabo Waggoner, and being there when Alabama’s 50 delegates who went to see Mitt Romney. That was an exciting moment.”
Ward says that Lt. Governor Kay Ivey deserves a great deal of the credit for Romney’s success in Alabama. “Kay Ivey has worked hard for Governor Romney. She has been the leader in Alabama for him every step of the way,” Ward said. “She is the one who has pushed hardest for him. She is the one who convinced me early on to endorse him.”
Ward, who was the only state legislator to sever on the prestigious foreign policy committee for the GOP plank, said this was the most energizing convention since 2000.
“The way they had everything set up as far as aesthetics of the stage, the arrangement of the hall, it was first class.” said Ward.
The second most exciting moment for Ward at this convention was watching Governor Romney’s speech. “This was exactly the kind of message we had wanted for him to send to the country and he did what he needed to do,” he said.
Ward says that he doesn’t think that the convention alone is going to move the polls very much but thinks this is the case for both parties.
“Traditionally there will be a bounce coming out of a convention, and there may be a small one in state polls. But so many people have already made up their minds that I don’t think either candidate is going to see a large swing in the polls due to the conventions,” Ward said.
Ward acknowledges that the conventions will be about energizing the base and getting them mobilized, “We have the less undecided voters I believe we have seen in our lifetime, I think this race is going to be close all the way.”
Ward was exceptionally proud to have shared this convention with his 10 year old daughter Riley. “She love it. I was so happy to show it to her and let her experience it first hand–to share this part of my life with her. It was special to have all my family there together. It was a historical event.”