By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
MONTGOMERY— The Alabama Political Reporter has recently engaged in writing a series of articles on fired former Alabama Public Television CEO Allan Pizzato.
The articles are based on information provided by current and former employees.
Attorneys for Pizzato, J. Mark White and Augusta S. Dowd, of the Law firm White, Arnold, and Dowd, PC, are threatening to sue based on what they call false and defamatory statements. They also seem to have problems with our spelling.
Pizzato, a public figure and a former state agency head, may not understand the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, however Mr. White and Ms. Dowd should.
Rather than dissuade us from our story we now have to wonder what more Mr. Pizzato has to hide.
We stand by the story as told to us by former and current employees of APT and will continue to publish the facts as they are told to us.
Please see the PDF of the lawsuit here.