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Artur Davis Tells Republican Convention that his 2008 Support for Barack Obama was a Mistake

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Popular former Democratic Congressman Artur Davis told Republican National Convention goers that, ”We have a country to turn around.”

Four years ago the member of the Congressional Black Caucus was one of Obama’s earliest and most vocal supporters, but that was then, this is now. The Republican Artur Davis said in his convention speech, “America is a land of second chances, and I gather you have room for the estimated 6 million of us who know we got it wrong in 2008 and who want to fix it.”

The former Barack Obama national campaign co-chair said, “This time, in the name of 23 million of our children and parents and brothers and sisters who are officially unemployed, underemployed, or who have stopped looking for work, let’s put the poetry aside, let’s suspend the hype, let’s come down to earth and start creating jobs again.”

Rep. Davis said, “We know that opportunity lies outside the reach of some of our people. We don’t need flowery words about inequality to tell us that, and we don’t need a party that has led while poverty and hunger rose to record levels to give us lectures about suffering.”

The Harvard educated Davis said of the Democrats, “When they say we have a duty to grow government even when we can’t afford it, does it sound like compassion to you — or recklessness? When you hear the party that glorified Occupy Wall Street blast success; when you hear them minimize the genius of the men and women who make jobs out of nothing, is that what you teach your children about work?”

The former Alabama gubernatorial candidate said, “John F. Kennedy asked us what we could do for America. This Democratic Party asks what can government give you. Don’t worry about paying the bill, it’s on your kids and grandkids.”

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Rep. Davis finished, “This is no dark hour; this is the dawn before we remember who we are. May it be said of this time in our history: 2008 to 2011: lesson learned. 2012: mistake corrected.”

Republicans applauded the Davis speech:

Republican Party Chairman Reince Preibus said on Twitter: “Welcome to the GOP Artur Davis. Great message to Democrats and independents who voted for Obama, but are wanting real leadership.”

Democrats were not impressed. Alabama State Senator Roger Bedford said on Twitter: “So sad to see Artur Davis abandon his values and beliefs.”

The former U.S. Representative for Alabama’s Seventh District became disillusioned with the Obama administration’s insistence of punishing new regulations which cost Alabama coal industry jobs during a recession. The Congressman also opposed President Obama’s controversial takeover of much of the healthcare industry with Obamacare. Many state Alabama Democratic Party bosses backed former Agriculture and Industries Commissioner Ron Sparks over the more moderate Davis in the Democratic Party Primary in 2010. Davis was once believed to be unbeatable; but his positions on Obamacare and gambling likely cost him the nomination. Commissioner Sparks was then easily defeated by Tuscaloosa State Representative Dr. Robert Bentley in the general election.

For more on Artur Davis’ Speech:

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Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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