Staff Report
MONTGOMERY—Senator Cam Ward (R-Alabaster) and Jackie Curtiss returned on Wednesday after serving on the Republican National Platform Committee 2012.
Two members from each state (one man and one woman) are selected by their state delegates to serve a term on the national committee that convenes every 4 years to decide the Party’s platform for the next four years.
“It was a once in a lifetime experience. We served with some great people, Gov. Bob McDonald of Virginia, Congressman Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee were the two co-chairs and they did a great job. Some really big republican heavyweights were there and it was just an honor to represent Alabama with such a distinguished group,” said Sen. Ward.
Sen. Ward also served on the subcommittee for foreign policy and national defense where he was involved in writing the international platform. One of his main objectives was to make sure that the internet’s influence in international relations was addressed, “I had a portion that I really wanted in there on the internet. Making sure that they understood the internet’s role in the Arab Spring and how it can bring about democracy in the world.” Ultimately, it was included.
“There was a debate over Israel that was probably the most front and center of national relations. It came out fine. We value Governor Romney’s position on Israel, their right to security and also their willingness to move the capital to Jerusalem. We came out in full support of his position on that,” said Sen. Ward.
Domestically, Ward said he thought the most important parts of the platform were jobs and the role of government spending. “I think was probably the most significant portion was our discussion about the need to reduce the size of government by shrinking it down to more manageable proportions and also shrinking the national debt.”
He said many discussions included reducing government agencies where he and other Republicans felt were loaded in wasteful spending.
“Washington has taken on so many new roles in everyday lives that if they would return some of those freedoms back to the states, back to the people, then they wouldn’t need to spend all of the money they spend.” He continued saying that needed to be priority number one.
He said he felt that Paul Ryan’s selection to the ticket helped Republicans drastically contrast themselves from Democrats and spurred pointed conversations about Medicare and Social Security. “We talked about the fact that we don’t want to do away with Medicare we don’t want to do away with Social Security but we have got to find out what it takes to fix those programs because they are going to bankrupt our country if we don’t,” said Sen. Ward.
When the convention convenes on Monday in Tampa, to give an up-or-down vote on the platform.
Highlights of the 2012 platform are:
- “Human Life Amendment” would ban all abortions including those resulting from incest and rape and all drugs related to abortion after conception.
- No legal recognition of same-sex couples.
- Ban on women in combat opposes women’s inclusion and participation in direct combat units and infantry battalions.
- Calls for an annual audit of the Federal Reserve.
- A constitutional amendment requiring a super-majority to increases taxes except during times of war.
- More immigration laws at the national level calling for a completion of a border fence, ending all in-state tuitions and banning “sanctuary cities.”
Would allow the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public as a reflection of the country’s history and heritage. It would also permit prayer at public school events.