By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
BIRMINGHAM—A enthusiastic crowd of well-wishers greeted the GOP nominee for president at The Club in Birmingham last night.
Around 200 individuals show their support for a Romney presidency by giving the candidate over $2 million dollars in campaign donations.
Security was tight for the 30 minute public appearance in the ball room of the Club. A regal long blue curtain spanned the entire back wall of the well-appointed room. The podium was bracketed by the Stars and Stripes and the flag of Alabama.
An all-star lineup of the state Republican party was on hand to show support for Governor Romney.
U.S. Rep. Spencer Bachus, along with Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard and Lt. Gov. Kay Ivey gave opening remarks before Romney was introduced by U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions.
An energized Romney took the podium and immediately lit into the failed policies of the Obama administration. Hammering home the idea that irreparable damage would face the country if Obama were to win a second term.
Romney, discussed his recent trip overseas without references to his own gaffs.
He poignantly described how one small woman during the cold war was a lone voice in the crowd who shouted “liar” to the dictator, which ultimately helped topple a communist regime. Romney alluded to Rosa Parks and how her lone voice began a movement that continues today.
He briefly outlined his plan to get our country back on track:
1. Expand and Develop our Energy Resources, he jokingly said that Obama said he was open to “all the above” as alternatives for energy, but what the President really meant was all sources above ground and rejecting plentiful underground energy, like coal, oil and gas.
2. Fix Education, saying the current system is horribly broken but alternatives do exist to turn it around.
3. Work for America, by which Romney said means reducing unemployment and eliminating unfair trade practices conducted by some countries like China.
4. Reduce Government Spending so that the fear of debt does not paralyze future generations.
5. Champion Small Business by eliminating red tape, “so the backbone of America will once again be strong and the envy of the world.”
Romney concluded his remarks by asking for votes from all in attendance, as well as a plea for those same audience members to persuade other friends who may have supported his opponent in the first election to change for a better tomorrow.