By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
The Associated Press is reporting that Alabama Democratic Party Chairman Mark Kennedy has announced that there will be a hearing on Friday concerning removing Pelham Attorney Harry Lyon from the November 6th Alabama Supreme Court ballot. The controversial Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court candidate has come under fire for his highly charged rhetoric and questions about whether he is competent to preside over Alabama’s highest court and be the head of the Alabama Court System.
Last week a Huntsville woman filed a petition asking the Democratic Party to disqualify Mr. Lyon. On Monday Chairman Kennedy rejected her complaint and found on behalf of Mr. Lyon. According to the Associated Press’s Phillip Rawls the Friday hearing to remove the outspoken Chief Justice candidate is based on charged rhetoric made by Lyon in his Facebook posts. ‘The Alabama Political Reporter’ reported on Lyon’s comments yesterday:
Chairman Kennedy is arguing apparently that Lyon’s views about homosexuals and other groups are incompatible with the Alabama Democratic Party’s bylaws.
Monday on Facebook Harry Lyon replied, “The leadership (executive committee and Mark Kennedy) of the Alabama Democratic Party are grasping at straws and have predetermined (prejudice) to get me off the ballot, in part because Judge Kennedy, according to many who made comments to me, made a fool of himself after a kook from Huntsville democrat filed a bogus petition against me which FORCED MARK KENNEDY to deny said petition to save face. Looks like a replay of dumb democrat party leaders replaying BAXLEY/GRADDICK 1986 debacle. With former DEMOCRAT party leaders Al Lappier and Bill Blount now in federal prison…as the saying goes “there’s always room for one more”…Just think of my friend Don Siegleman, who I have financially supported playing checkers soon with Mark Kennedy according to a friend’s opinion…..thought the idea was funny, don’t you?”
Harry Lyon was the only attorney in the state who was willing to qualify to run for a state wide judicial office as a Democrat in the State of Alabama. He qualified to run for Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. His Republican opponent is former Chief Justice Roy Moore from Gallant.
Chairman Bill Armistead of the Republican Party said, “If the Alabama Democratic Party is considering removing Harry Lyon from the ballot when they know full well that Mr. Lyon is not in violation of the FCPA regulations, they would be wise to remember what happened in 1986, the last time the Alabama Democratic Party tried to overstep their authority and had to sit back and watch as Alabama voters voiced their disgust with backroom shenanigans. During that election former Attorney General Charlie Graddick received the most votes in the Democrat run off for Governor, but the Democrat State Committee removed Graddick from the ballot and replaced him with former Lt. Governor Bill Baxley. That resulted in the election of the first Republican Governor in Alabama in over 100 years. I hope Judge Kennedy is prepared to explain to the Alabama press and more importantly Alabama voters why he is willing to toss out a legitimate candidate on bogus charges when the facts and evidence are against him.”
Lyon said on Facebook Monday, “TO MY FRIENDS WHO BELIEVE IN GOD, PLEASE CHECK OUT MY FB PAGE “HARRY LYON” NOW: (AND ATTEND MY SET UP POLITICAL CRUCIFICTION): P.S. Bring your own cokes and popcorn to this circus…LOL'”