By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
A stunning 59% of the Alabama electorate polled say that they are voting for Mitt Romney in the November 6th election. Another 1% of the electorate answered that they were leaning towards voting for the Massachusetts Republican. Only 34% of those polled say that they are committed to reelecting President Barack H. Obama in November. Another 2% of those polled say that they are leaning towards voting for President Obama. 4% are uncertain how they will vote. In 2008 Republican Senator John McCain won Alabama easily with 60.8% of the vote. Then Illinois Senator Obama won only 38.8% of the Alabama vote. Based on the Alabama Farmer’s Federation poll, the President appears to have actually lost ground. Nationally the Real Clear Politics running average has President Obama polling at 47% and Romney trailing with 45%.
The voters polled were not satisfied with President Obama’s job performance. 51% of those polled said that they were very dissatisfied with the job the President has done. Another 9% reported that they were somewhat dissatisfied. Only 22% of Alabamians polled were very satisfied with the President’s job performance. Another 11% reported being somewhat satisfied. 7% reported being neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with the President’s job performance.
Similarly 54% of the Alabama electorate said that were voting to return former Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore (R) back to head the state’s highest court. Another 3% reported that they were leaning towards voting for Judge Roy Moore. Only 33% reported that they intended to vote for Pelham Democrat Harry Lyon. Another 5% reported that they are leaning towards voting for Mr. Lyon. 5% reported being uncertain as to who they will vote for.
The news was not all bad for Alabama Democrats. The last Democratic Party statewide elected officeholder is running virtually even with her Republican challenger. 44% of voters in the poll responded that they are voting to reelect the 74 year old Lucy Baxley as President of the Alabama Public Service Commission (PSC). Only 42% are committed to voting for PSC member Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh. Another 4% say that they are leaning towards voting to reelect President Baxley. 6% reported leaning towards Commissioner Cavanaugh. Factoring in the leans toward responders that would make it 48 to 48% with only 4% reporting that they are uncertain how they are going to vote.
Only 5% of the poll sample thought that their state legislator was doing an excellent job. 27% reported that their state legislator was doing a good job. 45% reported that their legislator was doing a fair job and 13% reported that their legislator was doing a poor job. 10% reported being uncertain.
The news was not good for supporters of the September 18th Constitutional Amendment (CA). 52% of the sampled electorate chose ‘Borrowed money will never be paid back, cut spending instead while only 38% chose ‘Utilize the money as an alternative to raising taxes in tough economic times.’ 10% of the sample said that they were uncertain. On September 18th voters are being asked to let the legislature raid $467 million from the state trust fund to pad the Alabama General fund spending for just three years. Supporters of the CA say that the money is needed to pay Alabama doctors and hospitals and keep Alabama prisoners behind bars. Opponents of the CA say that the state needs to “right size” it’s spending and leave the money in the trust fund for future generations of Alabamians.
69% support the sales tax exemption for farming supplies. 23% are opposed. 72% believe resources for career tech programs will create more jobs 72%. 18% said no. 74% said that the state needs more money for rural roads and bridges. 18% said no. 75% favor tax credits for corporations that hire Alabama citizens. Only 17% are opposed.
When asked to identify the single major problem facing the United States 33% answered Unemployment. Only 16% answered the Economy, 15% chose debt, deficit & spending, 14% chose politics, candidates, 7% answered health care, Obamacare, and 15% selected others / uncertain.
The poll was completed July 26th and was conducted by Research Consultants. Research Consultants is a division of Creative Communications, Inc. (CCI). CCI is wholly owned by the Alabama Farmers Federation. The sample size for the poll was 600. The release identifies the sample as voters and does not distinguish between registered voters and likely voters. The release says that the poll was representative of the entire state based on geography, age and race. 74% of those polled were white, 25% were black and 1% were other.