By Bill Armistead
From the Office of Bill Armistead, Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party
Birmingham, Ala. – On Monday, the Associated Press reported that the National Democratic Party’s platform drafting committee voted to include language supporting gay marriage. Earlier this year, several key Democrats expressed their wish for the inclusion of support for same-sex marriage to be included in the official platform. In May, President Barack Obama also came out in support of legalizing gay marriage.
“This over-the-top decision by the Democratic Party has made marriage and how it is defined a key issue for this presidential election,” stated Bill Armistead, Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party. “It has also made it abundantly clear that the Democratic Party has abandoned the traditional family values that helped lay the foundation for the greatness of our country.”
“Liberal mayors in the cities of San Francisco, Boston and Chicago have gone so far as to tell job creating Chick-fil-A franchises that they are not welcome in their cities because of the company’s outspoken support of traditional marriage,” said Armistead. “This extreme position pits the Democratic Party against people of faith and their right to freely express their beliefs.”
“Marriage is between one man and one woman. Period. Alabama voters know this and this is why they continue to reject the Democratic Party and their candidates,” Armistead continued. “In 2006, 81% of Alabama voters voted for a constitutional amendment that bans the recognition of gay marriage, and yet the Alabama Democratic Party and their Chairman, Mark Kennedy, have continually expressed their strong support for Obama and his progressive, radical leftist policies on important issues like this. It is impossible for Kennedy to claim to be conservative and represent Alabama values and yet still support a position that was overwhelmingly rejected by Alabama voters.”
“Obama’s policies are tearing apart the moral and economic fabric of our nation. They are bad for our country and they are in direct opposition to the conservative values held by Alabamians,” concluded Armistead.