By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Congressman Jo Bonner (R) from Mobile addressed the subject of the economy this week in a written statement.
Rep. Bonner said, “Last week the president took credit for his handling of the economy, noting in a California speech, “We tried our plan and it worked.” With all due respect, Mr. President, you are wrong. More than a trillion dollars in questionable stimulus spending, on top of a steady rise of onerous government red tape on business, have failed to put Americans back to work. These policies weigh down the economy through massive new federal debt and have rendered our businesses less profitable and less competitive. This is hardly a plan that has “worked.””
Representative Bonner continued, “. Since January of 2011, the House of Representatives has aggressively passed bill after bill to untie the hands of businesses and instill confidence in the economy. What has become of the more than 30 pro-job bills we’ve passed in the House? They were all blocked by Majority Leader Harry Reid’s Senate for political reasons. Apparently, in the Senate politics trumps jobs.”
Rep. Bonner said, “Back in January, President Obama’s own Jobs Council issued a report that read much like the House blueprint for putting Americans back to work. Its recommendations of expanded domestic oil drilling and new regulatory reforms to kick-start job creation have largely been ignored by the White House. During a time when 23 million Americans are out of work or underemployed, the president has seemingly decided only one job is important – his. For the last seven months he has failed to meet with his Jobs Council but has found time to make more than 100 political trips.”
Rep. Bonner said, “Last Thursday, the House passed the Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation Act. If enacted into law, it would freeze any new major federal government regulation on business until the national unemployment rate falls below six percent.” Bonner said that the Obama administration has written 42,000 pages of new regulations in just the last seven months. The Mobile Congressman said that the House also passed a bill that would (if passed by the Senate and signed into law by the President) open up new oil fields for offshore drilling thereby creating new job opportunities for Americans.
Congressman Josiah “Jo” Bonner represents Alabama’s First Congressional District. Rep. Bonner has no Democratic opponent in the November 6th General Election.