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Armistead Declares Florida “Ground Zero” In Presidential Election: Asks Alabama Republicans for Help

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

In a written statement Alabama Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead appealed to Alabama Republicans to do what they can to help the Republican Candidate for President, former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney, defeat incumbent President Barack H. Obama (D).

Chairman Armistead said, “Obama carried three southern states in 2008 and we have to win them this year in order for Governor Romney to be elected President. They are Florida, North Carolina and Virginia and the polls in each of these states currently show it is a horse race between Obama and Romney.”

Chairman Armistead said, “In 2008, North Carolina voted for Obama, but not by much. Governor Romney now leads there with a very slim margin in several polls.”  “Obama won in Virginia in 2008, but since then they have elected a Republican Governor and recently made gains in the Commonwealth’s Senate. Obama still holds a slight lead in Virginia, but Romney has been slowly creeping up on him in this state for months.”

Chairman Armistead continued, “Our neighbor to the south, Florida, is likely to be ‘ground zero’ in this election. In fact, many believe that Romney MUST win Florida in order to win the Presidency. The latest polling data has Obama leading by only 1%, so it is vital that we keep whittling that number down until Romney has the breathing room he needs to insure a Florida victory.”

Chairman Armistead said that the election is just four months away.  “Frankly, I cannot stand the thought of Barack Obama being President for another four years. The harm he has done to our country in just three years will not compare to what he will do with another four years. It just will not be the same country that we know today if he wins this election.”  “We simply cannot sit on our hands in November and just hope that the other states vote Republican. We MUST do something. That is why we have organized Alabama’s Battleground Patriots.”

Chairman Armistead said that Alabamians who join the Battleground Patriots can either volunteer their time to assist from the privacy of their own home or they can actually travel to one of the battleground states to campaign for Governor Romney.

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Chairman Armistead asked the Alabama Republicans:  “Join the Alabama Battleground Patriots and be part of a dedicated group of people who are willing to make a difference outside of Alabama. Are you willing to make phone calls without ever leaving the comfort of your own home? Or perhaps you’re able to travel to one of these key states and be part of the boots-on-the-ground brigade? There are doors to be knocked on, signs to be erected, offices to be worked in, phone calls to be made and booths to be manned.”

Chairman Armistead said that the Alabama Republican Party will be working “with the Romney campaign, the RNC, the State Republican Party in each state and others to organize and truly make a difference in the November election.”  “Every election is important. This one is the most important ever.”

To learn more about Alabama’s Battleground Patriots:

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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