Staff Report
ADP Chair Judge Mark Kennedy promised to start rebuilding the party and he’s keeping his word. The party is looking to hire a communications director – something it has long needed, but couldn’t afford. And the job description should warm the heart of any Democrat:The Alabama Democratic Party (ADP) is seeking a media savvy professional to run an aggressive communications office.
The Communications Director is responsible for developing and implementing the communications effort for the ADP on the local, state, regional and national level. The main goals of this effort are to maximize public exposure of the Party and gain public and political support for its mission and policy goals – specifically targeting the Party’s base constituency, donors, state electorate, policy makers, other advocates and the media. The Communications Director must be an accomplished communicator with excellent writing, critical thinking and oral skills, have a broad knowledge of the news media, politics, policy, and government and a passion for social justice.
YES! An aggressive communications office. That’s what the party has been lacking through two dreadful legislative sessions, especially this last one. That’s where the GOP supermajority wasted days debating abortion, corporate tax breaks, and “tweaking” Beason’s “show me your papers bill.” All that nonsense took so much time, they had less than an hour to discuss and pass the state budget – which is, after all, their primary job description.
Kudos to Judge Kennedy and the ADP staff on the great job they’ve been doing with very few resources. It’s definitely a sign of progress that Kennedy has assembled the financial resources to fill this badly-needed position.