Staff Report
Washington, D.C. – Today Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) issued the following statement:
“Today, by one vote, the United States Supreme Court expanded federal power beyond anything previously permissible. In effect, one Supreme Court justice’s vote empowers the federal government to dictate that American citizens purchase any product or service offered by anyone, no matter the cost, no matter the burden.
“America’s Founding Fathers fought a rebellion for individual liberty. Today’s Supreme Court decision is a heavy boot on the throat of that liberty.
“The Supreme Court’s decision is an affront to America’s Constitution, which was written to limit the federal government’s power over American citizens so that Americans could enjoy their hard-fought liberty. America’s Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves.
“Fortunately, four Supreme Court justices understand the Constitution, considered the intent of our Founding Fathers who drafted the Constitution, and got it right. Unfortunately, five Supreme Court justices got it wrong and undermined a Constitution that has served America so well for so long.
“In fairness to the Supreme Court, however, the Obamacare problem originated within a radical White House and Congress elected in 2008.
“Just as America is paying a severe economic and freedom price for its mistakes in the 2008 elections, American citizens can reverse their mistake by electing a President and Congress who understand and respect the Constitution.”