By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
SPRINGVILLE—”If you think we live in a free country, today’s Supreme Court ruling should change your mind.” Strong words from the Chairman of the Alabama State House of Representative Health Committee Jim McClendon (R-Springville).
McClendon says “This is the greatest leap toward socialism since the Johnson administrations’ Great Society.”
Early today the SCOTUS ruled that The Affordable Care Act, including its individual mandate that virtually all Americans buy health insurance, is constitutional.
In the face of this ruling McClendon believes that the only hope for the country is to, “elect a congress that will have the courage to overturn Obamacare and a president that will encourage them to do so.”
McClendon continues, “As long as we stay under the thumb of Obama and the left-wingers we will continue to see the erosion of individual responsibility. I am very disappointed in this ruling and can’t frankly understand how the Federal government expects Alabama to come up with more money from our taxpayers to fill the gap on Medicaid that they have left open.”
McClendon says that he and all conservative republicans must join in the fight to push back against this socialist agenda and save the country from those who would feel the last vestiges of freedom fall to the radical left.